Place Review Here
duminică, 30 noiembrie 2014
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Place Review Here
sâmbătă, 29 noiembrie 2014
In curand la Editura Trei
Viața lui Cherry e pe cale să se schimbe pentru totdeauna. Împreună cu tatăl ei, se mută la Somerset, unde o mamă nouă și patru surori noi-nouțe îi așteaptă. Acolo vor să realizeze proiectul la care au visat dintotdeauna: o afacere cu ciocolată.
Dar prima zi petrecută la Somerset îi oferă lui Cherry o surpriză: fermecătorul Shay Fletcher o vrăjește pe loc.
O singură problemă: Shay are deja o iubită... Honey, noua soră vitregă a lui Cherry.
Cherry știe foarte bine că prietenia ei cu Shay e periculoasă.
Dar asta nu înseamnă că poate sta departe de el...
„Emoționant, tandru și de neuitat.” - The Guardian
Seria Clubul fetelor dependente de ciocolată are în distribuție surori rebele, băieți supercool și una dintre marile iubiri ale lui Cathy - ciocolata.
Cathy Cassidy a scris prima ei carte ilustrată când avea nouă ani, pentru fratele său mai mic. În copilărie îi plăcea să realizeze benzi desenate, pe care le vindea prietenilor cu 5 penny bucata. A urmat Art College în Liverpool, apoi a lucrat ca editor pentru celebra revistă Jackie.
Timp de 12 ani a fost „consilier sentimental” la revista pentru adolescenți Shout și profesoară de artă. Apoi s-a dedicat în întregime scrisului, publicând peste 23 de cărți.
Îi plac hainele și jucăriile vechi, mașinile și cărțile. Este, după cum se declara, o vegetariană convinsă îndrăgostită de ciocolată.
In curand la Editura Trei
Dar, pe măsură ce ancheta lui Strike înaintează, devine limpede că dispariția lui Quine implică mai multe decât și-ar fi imaginat soția lui. Scriitorul tocmai a finalizat un manuscris în care face câte un portret necruțător aproape fiecărei persoane pe care o cunoaște. Dacă romanul ar fi publicat, ar distruge vieți – așadar, sunt mulți care ar vrea să-l reducă la tăcere pe Quine.
Iar când scriitorul este găsit ucis cu brutalitate în împrejurări stranii, pentru Strike devine o cursă contra cronometru să înțeleagă ce l-a împins pe ucigașul nemilos să comită acea crimă atroce...
Oferind o poveste ce se citește pe nerăsuflate, cu răsturnări de situație la tot pasul, Viermele de mătase este al doilea roman din mult apreciata serie care îi are drept protagoniști pe detectivul Cormoran Strike și pe tânăra și curajoasa lui asistentă, Robin Ellacott.
„O poveste despre ranchiună și crimă într-o lume literară toxică. Pur și simplu, nu te poți opri din citit.” - Sunday Times
„Un roman pe care-l devorezi!”- Telegraph
„Viermele de mătase este un roman captivant în care personajele memorabile nu sunt ucigașul sau victima, ci detectivul însărcinat cu rezolvarea cazului și asistenta sa.” - New York Times
„Condimentat cu un umor subtil și replici savuroase, Viermele de mătase e o lectură extrem de agreabilă.” - The Times
Nights with the billionaire Part 1 by Daisy Evans
Awesome Deal!
vineri, 28 noiembrie 2014
In curand la Editura Trei
Răspuns: aceste trei povești romantice de Crăciun.
O furtună puternică de zăpadă aduce dragostea în viețile a trei adolescenți: o fată al cărei tren s‑a înzăpezit, un băiat ce înfruntă viscolul pentru a se întâlni cu prietenii săi, o altă fată cu inima frântă ce‑și vopsește părul în roz și visează să fie îngerul cuiva.
Trei dintre cei mai cunoscuţi autori americani de literatură pentru adolescenţi – John Green, Maureen Johnson şi Lauren Myracle – şi‑au unit forţele pentru a scrie povești pline de aventură, umor, romantism şi duioşie, ale căror fire se împletesc inteligent la final, într‑o carte numai bună de citit la gura sobei.
În aceste povești tandre, ingenios întrețesute, iubirea plutește printre fulgi de nea, beteală și cadouri de Crăciun! -- School Library Journal
Umor, romantism și personaje puternice – toate dau forță acestui efort narativ. -- Kirkus Reviews
Cărțile lui John Green au fost publicate în peste douăzeci de limbi şi figurează constant în topul celor mai bine vândute titluri al publicaţiei New York Times. Dintre cărțile sale, la Editura Trei au apărut: Sub aceeași stea, Căutând‑o pe Alaska, De 19 ori Katherine, Orașe de hârtie.
Lauren Myracle este autoarea a numeroase cărți pentru copii și adolescenți, printre care Shine, Kissing Kate, seria The Winne Years și The Internet Girls (sttyl și ttfn) – romane scrise în stilul mesajelor instantanee – bestselleruri New York Times.
Maureen Johnson a fost aleasă în 2012 Queen of Teen în Marea Britanie. Printre cărțile sale se numără 13 Little Blue Envelopes, Devilish, Girl at Sea, The Name of the Star și Suite Scarlett.
joi, 27 noiembrie 2014
Recenzie Regina Sudului de Arturo Perez-Reverte
Nume: Mendoza
Prenume: Teresa
Nationalitate: mexicana
Vaduva unui pilot de avion in slujba cartelului Juarez.
Fugara in Spania, arestata si condamnata la inchisoare.
Impreuna cu Patricia O’Farrell, cu care leaga o stransa prietenie in detentie, Teresa ajunge in fruntea unui urias Imperiu al drogurilor, creand o adevarata retea de afaceri clandestine in Rusia, Italia, Maroc si Columbia. Femeie de afaceri inteligenta si indrazneata, puternica, dar si temuta, Regina Sudului duce o viata discreta, in deplina singuratate.
Din praful strazilor mexicane in apele scanteietoare ale coastelor marocane, in Gibraltar si in Spania, „biografia“ fascinanta a Teresei Mendoza ne dezvaluie viata unei femei care nu are decat o alegere: aceea de a supravietui.
My opinion:
miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2014
Recenzie Domanisoara Christina de Mircea Eliade
Si totusi, in Sarpele exisa o singura exceptie, memorabila. Cu putin inainte de sfarsit, dupa ce Dorina a adormit si Andronic se culca si el, «O privi cum doarme langa el, goala si vie, neinchipuit de frumoasa in nestiuta ei sinceritate. Apoi, ca si cum ar fi vrut sa alunge o vraja, Andronic sufla deasupra fruntii fetei, zambi prelung si se culca alaturi, cu obrazul odihnit pe sanul ei». Naratorul poate vedea ca Andronic o priveste pe Dorina, dar nu poate sti cum o vede decat daca intra o clipa in perspectiva lui: «goala si vie, neinchipuit de frumoasa in nestiuta ei sinceritate»“. - Sorin Alexandrescu
My opinion:
Cover Reveal
Title: STING (Spark, #4)
Author: Jennifer Ryder
Genre: Steamy Erotic Romance
Release Date: Early 2015
RYAN After two years undercover, Detective Ryan Clark is tasked to the job he’s been waiting for. Ryan, together with undercover operative, Mick Gallagher, could very well be the men responsible for bringing together the biggest drug bust in Australia’s history. The seemingly sleepy coastal town of Fremantle, has become a hotspot for a newly formed drug syndicate, which threatens to flood the market with high-grade coke through the ports. Settling into his new locale, scouting out the local haunts, Ryan finds himself coming back to the same coffee shop. The attraction to Blondie, the local barista, has him puzzled. He knows it’s not just one-sided. She’s trying to keep her distance. It only makes him want her more. WILLOW Willow Asher left it all behind. Not by choice. After two long years, she’s finally getting somewhere. Willow has a busy café a stone’s throw from the beach. It’s her pride and joy, and her buxom business partner, Gabby, is the closest thing to family to speak of. Although Willow’s past still plagues her thoughts, she’s determined to one day have her happily ever after. Just not yet. What she doesn’t need is the complications of Mr Sexy-Brown-Eyes, who seems to be drinking more and more coffee. She doesn’t want the questions. She’s still trying to get her story straight.Excerpt
The curvy redhead behind the counter warmly greets everyone like their old friends, winking and smiling, her iridescent hot pink lipstick unmissable. Her silver nametag bears the name ‘Gabby’. “Well, it’s a good morning now,” the redhead says, her hazel eyes sizing me up when I move to the front of the line. She smirks, and readies her hand on the register. “What’ll it be, honey?” “Large flat white, thanks.” “That’s four dollars, please.” I pay, and she hands me my change, her hot pink fingernails grazing my outstretched palm. The redhead slides a piece of paper across the counter and a small hand from behind the machine takes it. Apart from the noise you wouldn’t even know someone was there with the cups piled high on top. A flash of messy blonde hair dashes out from behind the machine. “Is that take,” she says, and her jaw goes slack as her pretty eyes scan from my chest up to my face. “Huh?” I say, leaning in closer to the counter, taking in an eyeful of her petite body, golden tanned skin against the stark whiteness of her tank top. I don’t miss the growing blush that’s spreading across her freckled cheeks either. She shakes her head and briefly closes her eyes as she huffs out a breath. “Sorry, take-away?” “Nah, think I might stay?” I say and nod. Yep. Definitely staying. “Um, sure. Take a seat,” she says and turns to her colleague. “Gabs, can you give him a number?” “Oh, honey. I’ll give this one a number alright.” I chuckle, and take the number on a metal stand that she hands me. Blondie gives me a tickle of a smile and then returns behind the machine. I lazily wander to the only vacant chair in the corner, and wait impatiently for blondie to deliver my coffee. I’ve got a fuckin’ good feeling I’m gonna enjoy this assignment.© Jennifer Ryder 2014
Spark (Spark #1): Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | B&N
Spike (Spark #2): Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | B&N
Strike (Spark #3): Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | B&N
About that Author
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New Adult and erotic romance writer, and author of the Spark series. A sexy imagination, a life-long love of books and a sucker for romance, Jennifer Ryder couldn't stifle her creativity any longer. Writing steamy adult romance has become her new focus. Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country. Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting. Jennifer placed third in the International Stringybark Erotic Short Fiction Award 2013.Giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cover Reveal
Title: Incite (Sphere of Irony, #)
Author: Heather Leigh
Release Date: December 14, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Privilege, poverty, death, and self-loathing; these are the backgrounds of the men of the internationally famous rock band, Sphere of Irony. INCITE: Adam's story Adam Reynolds is an impoverished teen raised by neglectful parents in one of London’s most dangerous boroughs. He turns to his love of music and countless girls to escape his sad reality. Beautiful and naïve Ellie Palmer comes from a well-off family that suddenly finds themselves living in one of the poorest neighborhoods in London. Alone in a frightening new place, Ellie is afraid to leave the safety of her home, only going out to walk to school and back. When Adam prevents Ellie from becoming the victim of a horrific sexual assault, they discover something that two teenagers never thought they would find in such a depressing place. Each other. After tragedy, lies, and distance tear their future away from them; they each wander through life empty and hopeless no matter who or what they use to replace the feelings of loss. From the crime-ridden streets of London’s East End to the over-the-top display of wealth in L.A. Can two broken souls must conquer their demons in order to find true happiness? ***This is book 1 in a 4 part series. It is a spin-off of the Famous Series. These can be read as standalones***About the Author
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I grew up in New England and currently live outside Atlanta, GA with my husband, two kids, a French Bulldog and a pug. I'm a full-time procrastinator and a part-time everything else. I love the Red Sox, chocolate, and traveling. When I'm not writing, I'm dealing drugs legally as a pharmacist.GRAVITY by Cat Mason ♥ RELEASE BLITZ
Title: Gravity (Artistic Pricks Ink, #1)
Author: Cat Mason
Release Date: November 24, 2014
"There has to be something on this Earth that holds you here, other than Gravity." Luke Hanlon was focused on anything but his own life.The happiness of everyone else came before his own. He worked hard to build Artistic Pricks Ink into the profitable business that it is today and yet, it isn't enough anymore. Something is missing. Someone. With no one to focus on, but himself, Luke is forced to take a long hard look in the mirror and doesn't like what he sees. Then he meets his mom's neighbor and something clicks into place. But can he handle what comes along with her? Can he let go of the hurt in his past and see what is in front of him? Kionna Slade is a good girl. She helps her neighbor, she doesn't go wild and crazy. She's independent and doesn't need anyone. After losing her mother and an accident stole her dream of being a Vegas Showgirl, her life took a turn in a direction she never dreamed it would. Now 'Sabrina' runs the show at night, allowing Ki to dance again. Keeping Kionna and Sabrina separate is her main goal, until Luke. Luke Hanlon will throw a wrench in everything she ever thought. Lives are changed and things explode all around them as they are pulled together. Luke can't stay away, even if his heart and possibly both their lives could be threatened. Can Kionna and Luke find a way to hold onto each other or will they forever be grasping at what they can't have?Purchase the Book!
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo | B&N | Smashwords
About the Author
Website | Goodreads | Facebook
Cat Mason is thirty years old and a mother to three children. She was born and raised in Granite City, Illinois which is just across the Mississippi river from St. Louis, Missouri. She currently lives in Virginia with her husband and children. Previously publishing Contemporary Romance under her real name, until she decided to lose the filter and let it all hang out. When she isn’t writing, she is reading or spending time with her friends and family.Giveaway! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Love, Laughter, and Merrily Ever Afters
(Holiday Novella Collection)
Release Date: November 25, 2014
By New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Authors:
Sawyer Bennett
Mari Carr
Janelle Denison (aka Erika Wilde)
Violet Duke
Karen Erickson (aka Monica Murphy)
Jessie Evans
Cathryn Fox
Melody Grace
Alannah Lynne
Marquita Valentine
TEN fun, romantic holiday novellas by ten New York Times & USA Today bestselling authors
An all-star gathering of some of today's most popular NYT and USA Today bestselling romance authors in a fun-filled style! With the overwhelming response to the chart-topping summer boxed set, we've brought together even MORE of your favorite authors for a winter compilation, and this time, we've giftwrapped TEN stories for you all. From the funny & sweet, to the STEAMY & heartfelt, each novella is packed with a whole lot of romance, and hand-picked to infuse perfectly-portioned holiday cheer into your busy days this season...along with hot bursts of holiday steam for those winter nights.
And at just ***99 CENTS USD*** that's a huge savings of over 95% off retail for the individual books sold separately! This is an extremely limited edition bundle available for just 5 weeks so get your copy today!THE BOXED SET INCLUDES
IF I RETURN by Sawyer Bennett Hope Camden is relentlessly serious, awkwardly shy, and in complete need of a walk on the wilder side. At least, that's what her sister tells her when she drags her off on an impromptu Christmas getaway in the mountains, where Hope meets gorgeous, enigmatic Army helicopter pilot Jack Freeman...who's headed off to war in a week. SEDUCING SANTA by Janelle Denison (aka Erika Wilde) All Faith Roberts wants for Christmas is one sexy night with Matthew Carlton, the hot, gorgeous pediatric surgeon posing as Santa for a visit to the children's ward where she volunteers. While Matthew is more than willing to fulfill her naughty wishes, he's determined to show Faith that he's the kind of gift that keeps on giving. TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS by Jessie Evans (aka J. Evans) When Lula Jo refused Carter's proposal one dark December night--unwilling to abandon her hometown to live the dangerous life of a treasure hunter's wife--the holiday lights went out in her heart. She vowed to keep her distance from dangerous men and untamed cowboys. But now Carter is back and hoping for a holiday miracle to reunite him with his first and only love. DECKING DREW by Violet Duke If anyone can make Drew Lawson believe in the magic of Christmas, of course the universe would pick the addictively sweet, mind-wreckingly beautiful Skylar Sullivan to try. She's only the girl-next-door of his dreams he'd classified as completely off-limits two years ago...the same one now standing on his doorstep on Christmas eve. FAIRIES & WISHES by Karen Erickson (aka Monica Murphy) Lily the holiday fairy is given a new assignment this Christmas season--teach a lonely doctor how to love again. But all Lily knows how to do is gently coerce people into embracing the Christmas spirit; she doesn't have a clue what love really is. So imagine her surprise when she falls madly in love--and lust--with the good doctor in the process. WILD IRISH CHRISTMAS by Mari Carr It's Christmas Eve, and all seven of the Collins siblings have gathered together to give their father Patrick a precious gift. Gather 'round the tree and join the Collins family as they pass a bottle of Jameson, and Patrick shares the story of how he won the heart of Sunday, his true love, his soul mate...and the mother of his seven Wild Irish. UNWRAPPED by Melody Grace Lacey James is wild, spontaneous, and up for anything. Daniel Sullivan is careful, sensible, and mending his broken heart. When the unlikely pair get stranded together on the way home for the holidays, Lacey finds her long-term crush impossible to ignore. And as a game of truth or dare spins out of control, Daniel discovers the one girl he truly wants is the last person he expected. HIS CHRISTMAS WISH by Marquita Valentine War hero Joaquin Morales is back in Holland Springs for the first time in years. His mission? To convince his wife that they have a future together. But falling in love with her husband for the second time is not a part of Sage Caswell's plans this holiday Season. With the help of a little Christmas magic (and a well-timed snowstorm), can Joaquin and Sage's dreams come true? HOLIDAY SPIRIT by Cathryn Fox What's a girl to do when she finds herself held captive in a bedroom--with the man she's been lusting after for months--by a voyeuristic spirit on Christmas Eve? Give it what it wants, of course. If a holiday romp with her sexy co-worker is what it'll take for Elly Watson to solve her latest Paranormal Task Force case, she's up for the challenge...over and over again if need be. A CHRISTMAS HEAT WAVE by Alannah Lynne All Samantha Mazze wants for Christmas is to create the perfect Christmas Eve celebration for her friends and family. The house is decorated, the meal has been prepared, the guests are arriving...what could possibly go wrong? Come spend the holidays with your friends from the Heat Wave series, and meet a few new additions.Giveaway!
Grand Prize = (1) Kindle Fire HD 6 Tablet AND (1) $100 Gift Card
SNARE (Delirious, #1) by Clarissa Wild ♥ RELEASE BLITZ
Title: SNARE (Delirious, #1)
Author: Clarissa Wild
Release Date: November 25, 2014
Genre: Dark Romance
His secrets will destroy her. Taken. Humiliated. Used. With his smart mouth, dirty talking, and possessive behavior, Sebastian Brand has me hooked in the most shameless way. I’m obsessed with him. However, now that I’ve escaped the mental hospital, he seeks to control my every move. The overwhelming aloofness in his attitude and the darkness in his mind tells me there is more to this man than sheer dominance. Depravity is his playground and pain is a necessary evil. Keeping me away was his first instinct. Capturing me was his second. Claimed by a man with the exterior of an angel and the mind of a brute, I will do anything to unveil his secrets and face my own demons. A body in exchange for freedom. A heart in exchange for truth. Life is never a given. Only a certain death. This is Volume 1 in the Delirious Series, which contains 3 volumes and a prequel. This book is a full-length novel. These books should be read in order. WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, strong language, drugs and alcohol, dubious consent, and graphic violence. Contains a cliffhanger that will make your eyes pop.SNARE (Delirious, #1)
SEEK (Delirious, #0.5) - FREE!
PRE ORDER SEIZE (Delirious, #2) for $2.99 (Will go up to $3.99 on Release Day)
About the Author
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Clarissa Wild is the USA Today Bestselling author of FIERCE, a college romance series, but she's best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, the Doing It Series and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals. Check out my sexy books: