Overnight, Calypso "Cal" Morgan's sensual Greek summer abroad turns into a thrilling, high-stakes race to prove to the world (and herself) that her brand-new and very sexy boyfriend Daniel is not a murderer. On the run together, Cal and Daniel must outwit handsome Greek detective Nico Theseus and face their attraction to each other - amid the stress and growing suspicions unearthed by the investigation.
Beautiful college student Calypso “Cal” Morgan’s semester abroad had quickly become a steamy summer romance on the gorgeous Greek Isle of Naxos until the morning she wakes, after a night of hard partying, to find her new boyfriend, Daniel, in bed with her wild roommate Gia. But far worse than that, he’s completely covered in her blood. Unable to remember what happened and unwilling to leave each other, Cal and Daniel flee with the handsome police detective Nico Theseus close on their heels. Doomed as they seem to be, it seems that Daniel isn’t the only suspect worth hunting down in the first episode in Cara Lockwood’s sexy, suspenseful, and fast-paced e-serial Follow Me.
Don't miss ON THE RUN, the second sexy and heart-pounding story in FOLLOW ME.
My opinion:
Nu pot sa
zic ca mi-a placut enorm de mult acesata carte,insa nic nu a fost una rea.Nu
prea ma dau eu in vant dupa genu politiste,insa sunt unele chiar imi capteaza
atentia.Pot sa spun ca si acesta a facut la fel.Intr-un fel.
Toate bune si
frumoase pana cand,intr-o dimineata amandoi se trezesc in pat,fara sa stie cum
au ajuns acasa,impreuna cu trupul mort al colegei lor de camera,Gia.Speriati,ei
fug,dorind sa pleca in America,acasa.
ajunge si descoperta corpul si ingepe investigatia.Iar de aici stiti ce
urmeaza:martori,suspecti,si altele.Este o tipica poveste polititsta.Ce mi-a
placut insa la ea este felul cum se termina.Doar pentru cum se termina am zis
ca trebe sa citesc si al doilea volum.
Este o
carte scurta de 73 de pagini.Daca va pasioneaza astefle de carti atunci merita
sa o citesti.Sfarsitul face totul.:)
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