sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2015

Forgiven Release

We are thrilled to be a part of the Release Day Blitz for the third novel in Lisa Helen Gray's  Forgotten Series FORGIVEN and the Cover Reveal for MALIK  the first book in her next series The Carter Brothers 

Title: Forgiven
Series: Forgotten series #3
Cover Design: Pink Ink Design
Author: Lisa Helen Gray



Everyone has their kryptonite, mine just so happens to be him. The womanizer, the male whore and the sexiest man you’ll ever lay your eyes on. With his dark hair, penetrating eyes, and his god like body beckoning to be touched, you can’t help but be hypnotized by the man. 
He makes me want things I don’t deserve, makes me feel things I didn’t think I’d ever experience again, not after the hurt I’ve caused, the damage I’ve done. Yet, when I’m with him or he’s around, I feel free, light, like I can finally live.

He’s everything I swore to stay away from, yet, like a moth to a flame, I know I’m about to get burned. 


I’m not a fan of the word no. Well, that was until the little vixen Kelly Dean said it to me. Not just once, but over and over again. I used to think of her ‘‘no’’ as foreplay, now they make me feel the total opposite. 

One night was all it took for me to become addicted to her. One night for me to screw up the best thing that had ever happened to me and one night for my world to start falling apart piece by piece. 

My mission to make it up to her isn’t as clear cut as I thought it would be. How was I to know two people from my past were going to make it difficult?
Thankfully one is here to make amends, but unfortunately, the other is here for revenge. 
Now I’m praying like hell that at the end of this battle, she’s my gift. After all, it’s her I’m fighting for.


 Now Available

Amazon UK/Amazon US/ Amazon CA

Don't Miss The First Two Books In This Thrilling Series!

Better left forgotten Book One: AMAZON UK/ AMAZON US
Obsession Book Two: AMAZON UK/ AMAZON US


Surprise Cover Reveal

I’m Harlow Evans. Shortly after my parents were murdered I moved in with my Grandma. 
It meant switching schools, losing friends, and moving away from the only home I knew. All I wanted was to finish the school year hassle free. 

Switching seats on that first day altered my life. After surviving the loss of my parents I never thought anything could break me, but then HE came into my life....

He wants to hurt me 

Destroy me

Ruin me

Tragedy brought me here, and a cruel twist of fate has me desperate to leave. There's also someone here that has me fighting to stay though.

All my life I’ve lived in the shadows, trying to go unnoticed, until I met HIM....
Malik Carter....

He’s broody, quiet, and holding on to a dark past. From that first meeting I was drawn to him, his painfully gorgeous looks and model physique, but I also knew he was totally out of my league. 

He's the boy next door who, with his domineering personality, has somehow etched his way into my life. 

When the Carter Brothers take it upon themselves to protect me from what’s coming, I’m not sure whether to be relieved or shocked. 

You see, when a Carter brother loves, they love fiercely, strongly and protectively. No one can get in their way. They’re also used to getting what they want, even if it means getting hurt. 

There’s one thing you should know about the Carter brothers before you read my story.... 

If you mess with one, you mess with them all.


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About Lisa

Lisa Helen Gray (1987) born in Birmingham. All Lisa has ever wanted to do in life, apart from be a mother, is to read and write, and at a certain age she wanted to be a princess.We can all dream, right?

Serious note though, she has been a passionate reader ever since her Nan first handed her The Three Gollywogs by Enid Blyton. After that, she lived in a land of fantasy. 
First came Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then Angel, and it went on to Twilight and The Hunger Games. Some would say she is a daydreamer, but she is just a firm believer that there is a happily ever after. Hence, her huge love of romance novels.
She got into reviewing other author’s novels, and then decided to publish her own work. Bringing us to her first novel, If I could I'd wish it all away (2014). 

She always has her head stuck in a romance novel and is often (too often) reminded of this. When she hasn't got her head stuck in a book or writing her next novel, she is glued to the TV series Pretty Little Liars, walking dead, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries and of course, Veronica Mars. Just an ordinary girl surround by extraordinary books
Lisa's Links

vineri, 27 februarie 2015

Cover Reveal

Adrenaline cover

Title: Adrenaline

Author: Sunniva Dee

Genre: New Adult

Release Date: April 30, 2015

Cover Design: CT Cover Creations




Life’s the shit! Chicks squeal over how wild and yummy I am, play their silly games trying to tie me down. But I’m free as a bird, doing what makes life life: kicking extreme-sport-ass! I base jump, snowboard, bungee jump. I do anything for the rush.  Then, Ingela blows into town for college—a cool Swedish blast of trouble. Foulmouthed and runway-gorgeous, the girl seeps in like poison and melts the freaking brain. To Ingela I am what chicks were to me: pastime, leisure, entertainment, pleasure. She’s killing me, and I’m digging it. There’s a new rush in town! Yeah, I hunt down my highs, and now the chase is on. I’ll catch her soon enough, just, what’s the deal with her ex?  BO With Ingela, sex is a dance. A slow tango where skin flows over skin. It is slick readiness, a quiet welcome. It’s smooth, warm, right, and all wrong. On and off. On and off. Again, she’s wrecked with grief. It’s a reminder of how I destroy her, how crushed relationships shouldn’t be revived. We’ve done this for years, now, but clearly we’re in for more.


  BO Sex is a dance with her. A slow tango where skin flows over skin. It is slick readiness, a quiet welcome. It’s smooth, warm, right, and all wrong. There’s no move she makes I don’t preempt. When it’s new, I follow. When I’m different, she forms to me. She was the ground I walked on. The air I worshipped. The first years together she was my everything. With Ingela, sex is love. It is guilt over not giving her what she’s worthy of. This girl. She deserves so much. And I? I don’t have it all. The way she looks at me. It’s knives sharpened and twisting in my gut because the extent of her love is beyond my capacity. I tell her again, for the seventh time in five years, what the answer always must be: “Ingela, I can’t. You are the best person I know. You deserve someone with the chops to love you hard and forever. I’m not that man.” Again, I’ve reduced her to this; her body, the one I just took to the skies in ecstasy, wrecks with grief. This is why tonight is the last time we break up. I hate myself. I have to accept that I can’t make her happy. It’s time I quit chickening out, quit running back to her over a bleak fling and whenever I need solace. To me, she’s comfort and familiarity. I’ll never stop loving Inga. But to her, I’m still everything.

About The Author

Sunniva Originally from Norway, I moved to the United States twelve years ago. I hold a Master’s degree in languages and taught Spanish at college level before settling in at the Savannah College of Art and Design as an adviser. I write New Adult fiction, sometimes with a paranormal twist—like in “Shattering Halos,” published by The Wild Rose Press in February 24th 2014 and in “Stargazer,” estimated release date, November 2014. The first book I’m self-publishing is the New Adult Contemporary novel “Pandora Wild Child,” which will make me a proud indie author in October 28th 2014! I specialize in impulsive heroines, bad-boys, and good-boys running amok. Then, there’s the intense love, physical and emotional attraction beyond reason—sensory overload for the reader as well as for the characters. Like in real life, I hope you’re unable to predict what comes next in my stories. Yes, so I write what I love to read, and depending on the reader, you’ll find my books to be a fast-paced emotional rollercoaster—or disturbing because the struggles of love aren’t your thing. Here’s to hoping you have the same reading vice as me! ;-)

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miercuri, 25 februarie 2015

News! Lady Gaga in AHS

Frozen Fever Trailer

Tratament letal, volumul 3 din Labirintul la Litera!

Titlu: Tratament Letal (Labirintul #3)
Autor: James Dashner
Editură: Litera


Labirintul nu a fost decât începutul...
RĂU i-a răpit totul lui Thomas: viața, amintirile și, acum, singurii prieteni care i-au mai rămas – Poienarii. El știe că nu poate avea încredere în RĂU, deși cei din organizație îl asigură că vremea minciunilor a trecut, că au reușit să colecteze toate datele din perioada Încercărilor și că acum trebuie să se bazeze pe Poienari, cărora li s-au redat amintirile, pentru a-i ajuta în ultima lor misiune – aceea de a desăvârși schema de tratament împotriva Arșiței. Dar s-a întâmplat ceva ce nici Încercările, nici Variabilele nu au prevăzut.
Thomas își amintește mai mult decât își închipuie ei, suficient cât să nu creadă nici un cuvânt din ceea ce i se spune. După ce a învins Labirintul și a supraviețuit în Ținutul Pârjolit, Thomas riscă acum totul ca să-și salveze prietenii. Dar adevărul ar putea fi mai periculos decât și-ar fi imaginat vreodată. Va supraviețui oare cineva?

Cover Reveal

It’s called El Toque de la Luna–The Touch of the Moon. At least that’s how nineteen-year-old Gabby’s older sister, Esperanza, refers to the magical powers she inherited from their Mayan ancestors. Esperanza says women with El Toque weave magic into their knitting, creating tapestries capable of saving–or devastating–the world. Gabby thinks Esperanza is more like touched in the head–until a man dressed like a candy corn arrives at their Seattle home on Halloween. But “Mr. C” is far from sweet…
Soon, Gabby and her almost-more-than-friend, Frank, find themselves spirited away to a demon ball, complete with shape shifters–and on a mission to destroy Esperanza’s tapestries before they cause an apocalyptic disaster… And before it’s too late to confess their true feelings for each other.

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Erin Fanning Bio:

Erin Fanning spends her summers on a remote Michigan lake, where her imagination explores the water and dense forest for undiscovered creatures. In the winter, she migrates to central Idaho, exchanging mountain bikes and kayaks for skis and snowshoes.

She’s the author of the “Curse of Blackhawk Bay” (Sam’s Dot Publishing, 2008), “Mountain Biking Michigan” (Globe Pequot Press, 2002), and numerous short stories, essays, and articles.


Tour Schedule:

marți, 24 februarie 2015

Favorite quotes from Straniul caz al doctorului Jekyll si al domnului Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson

„Ma gandesc uneori ca, daca am sti totul, am fi mai bucurosi sa plecam.”

„Nu, domnule, eu am o regula personala: cu cat am impresia ca nu-i lucru curat, cu atat intreb mai putin.”

„N-as fi crezut ca lumea aceasta sa poata cuprinde suferinte si spaime atat de istovitoare.”

„Una este sa-ti strivesti curiozitatea, alta este s-o domini.”

„Ai sa fii intelept? Ai sa te lasi sfatuit? Ai sa ma lasi sa iau acest pahar in mana si sa plec din acsa asta fara alte explicatii? Sau lacomia curiozitatii a pus stapanire pe tine? Gandeste-te inainte de a raspunde, caci va fi cum hotarasti. Dupa cum hotarasti, vei ramane precum erai, nici mai bogat, nici mai intelept, afara doar daca sentimentul de a fi ajutat un om deznadajduit de moarte ar putea fi socotit un fel de inavutire a sufletului. Sau, de vei prefera sa alegi altminteri, ti se vor deschide un nou tinut al cunoasterii si noi cai spre faima si putere – aici, in aceasta camera si in clipa urmatoare; si vei privi un miracol in stare sa zdruncine si necredinta Satanei.”

„…omul nu-i cu adevarat o singura fiinta, ci este, de fapt, alcatuit din doua fiinte.”

„Am traversat curtea, unde constelatiile, as fi putut crede, isi coborau privirile cu uimire asupra-mi – prima creatura de acest fel pe care o descoperea vigilenta lor in veci neadormita;”

„Asa cum binele stralucea pe chipul unuia, raul era scris mare si lamurit pe fata celuilalt.”

Recenzie Straniul caz al doctorului Jekyll si a domnului Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson

Nuvela apare sub egida Editurii Minerva intr-o noua traducere, realizata de Carmen Chirculescu. Considerat maestru al literaturii engleze clasice, R. L. Stevenson este si astazi, dupa mai bine de un secol, unul dintre cei mai cititi scriitori, datorita elegantei stilului. Naratiunile sale ne propun actiuni pline de suspans, aventuri exotice, personaje mistuite de pasiuni incendiare.

My opinion:

Doream de ceva vreme sa citesc o carte de acest autor. Si asta pentru ca am citit o carte bazata pe viata sa. M-a intrigat mult viata lui si felul in care si-a trait-o, si am vrut sa vad cat de mult i-a influentat viata opera sa si felul in care a scris.

Inainte sa cititi cartea trebuie sa stiti ca acesta e scris in anul 1887. Asa ca pentru aceea vreme, acest tip de lectura si opera era ceva nou si intrigant sau respins total.

Mie una mi-a placut mult cartea si modul in care aceasta confrunta comportamentul omului. Din pacate acest tip de subiect nu s-a schimbat si nu cred ca se va schimba niciodata. Din contra, comportamentul evolueaza, tinteste sper idealuri mai mari, iar asta cateodata intr-un mod benefic sau unul malefic. Din perspectiva mea si cred ca a tuturor, fiecare om se confrunta ca 2 euri inlauntrul sau. Iar acesta carte exploateaza aceasta interferenta si conconrdanta. Partea ta malefica si partea ta benefica. Raportul pozitiv dintre cele doua. Cand iti este permis sa fii malefic si cand iti este permis sa fii benefic, pentru tine si cei din jur. Sa exploatezi aceea limita si sa te ti de ea.
Si totodata, ce se intampla cand aceea limita este incalcata, iar tu nu mai poti sa controlezi transformarea intre cele doua. Cum reusesti sa devii cel care voiai sa fii?

Nuu e o poveste noua, nu e o poveste care iti aduce ceva nou, insa iti intareste constiinta si regulile. Plus, ti le aduce intr-o maniera a suprarealului, ceea ce face lectura mai usora si mai placuta pentru cititor. Asa ca, daca va intriga acest tip de subiect si de asemenea doriti sa cititi cat mai multi clasici, incepeti cu Robert Louis Stevenson.

Cartea are 157 de pagini, coperta paperback si o puteti comanda de pe site-ul Editurii Minerva.

Favorite quotes:

„Ma gandesc uneori ca, daca am sti totul, am fi mai bucurosi sa plecam.”

„Nu, domnule, eu am o regula personala: cu cat am impresia ca nu-i lucru curat, cu atat intreb mai putin.”

„N-as fi crezut ca lumea aceasta sa poata cuprinde suferinte si spaime atat de istovitoare.”

„Una este sa-ti strivesti curiozitatea, alta este s-o domini.”

„Ai sa fii intelept? Ai sa te lasi sfatuit? Ai sa ma lasi sa iau acest pahar in mana si sa plec din acsa asta fara alte explicatii? Sau lacomia curiozitatii a pus stapanire pe tine? Gandeste-te inainte de a raspunde, caci va fi cum hotarasti. Dupa cum hotarasti, vei ramane precum erai, nici mai bogat, nici mai intelept, afara doar daca sentimentul de a fi ajutat un om deznadajduit de moarte ar putea fi socotit un fel de inavutire a sufletului. Sau, de vei prefera sa alegi altminteri, ti se vor deschide un nou tinut al cunoasterii si noi cai spre faima si putere – aici, in aceasta camera si in clipa urmatoare; si vei privi un miracol in stare sa zdruncine si necredinta Satanei.”

„…omul nu-i cu adevarat o singura fiinta, ci este, de fapt, alcatuit din doua fiinte.”

„Am traversat curtea, unde constelatiile, as fi putut crede, isi coborau privirile cu uimire asupra-mi – prima creatura de acest fel pe care o descoperea vigilenta lor in veci neadormita;”

„Asa cum binele stralucea pe chipul unuia, raul era scris mare si lamurit pe fata celuilalt.”

Cover Reveal

It’s a dirty job, but some mutant’s got to do it…
Joel Eisler is a mutant with special talents. He can detect an oil leak in the ocean simply by tasting the water. Because of this unique ability, he’s been purchased by a large oil company, along with his dolph sister, Amy. The upside of spending his days and nights in the ocean is that it gives him the opportunity to save the lives of his brother dolphins. The downsides are life as a closely monitored slave—and that he can’t be with Piper, the dolph-girl he loves…
To make matters worse, Joel discovers the lab he grew up in has extracted his sperm and Piper’s egg and created a baby, and his handler, Craven, is plotting to kidnap Amy for more experiments. Now Joel must rescue the infant, bring her to Piper, and find a way to save Amy. And if that’s not enough of a challenge, he needs to convince Piper she belongs with him instead of her all-too-human boyfriend—if Craven doesn’t get to them first…

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Sandra Cox Bio:

Multi-published author Sandra Cox writes YA fantasy, historic and paranormal romance and metaphysical nonfiction. Sandra lives with her husband, a menagerie of pets, and an occasional foster cat in sunny North Carolina. To see the brood go to her website www.sandracox1.com and click on the cat tab.


Tour Schedule:

luni, 23 februarie 2015

Chris Simion, un turneu unic în România: 40 de zile, 40 de oraşe, 40 de librării, 40 de întâlniri cu cititorii!

Poza coperta (accepta imaginile in mailul tau pentru a o putea vedea)
În teatru, Chris Simion este cunoscută ca un regizor de avangardă. Spectacolele ei reprezintă provocări atât pentru actorii cu care lucrează, cât şi pentru spectatorii care îi prizează poveştile. Acum, Chris Simion îşi provoacă şi cititorii.

Noul său roman 40 de zile, publicat de Editura TREI, se lansează printr-un turneu unic în România: 40 de zile, 40 de oraşe, 40 de librării, 40 de întâlniri cu cititorii.

Periplu autoarei începe la 1 martie la Bucureşti şi se va încheia pe 9 aprilie. În această perioadă, Chris Simion se va întâlni cu cititorii din Focşani, Bacău, Piatra Neamţ, Iaşi, Suceava, Baia Mare, Oradea, Arad, Timişoara, Deva, Reşiţa, Turnu Severin, Ploieşti, Constanţa, Braşov, Tg. Mureş, Turda, Cluj-Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Sibiu, Rm. Vâlcea, Brăila, Galaţi, Tulcea, Călăraşi, Piteşti, Mangalia, Giurgiu, Făgăraş, Buşteni, Craiova, Alexandria, Buzău, Slobozia, Câmpina, Predeal, Sinaia, Târgovişte.

 Primul eveniment are loc duminică, 1 martie, ora 15.00, la Cărtureşti-Verona. După bestseller-ul Ce ne spunem când nu ne vorbim, Chris Simion ne propune 40 de zile, un roman-basm care îţi dă poftă de trăit în adevăr şi frumos. Cea de-a noua carte, scrisă în 40 de zile, este un joc al introspecţiei şi al (re)găsirii de sine. Recomandat persoanelor aflate în derută existenţială, cu alergie la minciună şi cu tulburări de maturitate. Jocul începe cu o singură pistă: sufletul tău. În fiecare zi cobori în tine, în adânc. N-ai cum să te-ntorci, n-ai cum să te-opreşti, ci doar să mergi înainte. Ultima zi este răscrucea, momentul deciziei: "încotro?". Cele 40 de zile de reflecţie şi sinceritate îţi dau răspunsul şi la final nu mai ai nicio şansă de ezitare...simţi exact pe unde s-o iei.

 Chris Simion s-a născut pe 20 august 1977, în Bucureşti. A absolvit Universitatea Naţională de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică „I.L. Caragiale“ – Bucureşti, secţia teatrologie, în 2000, şi secţia regie teatru în 2005. Prima carte, Dragostea nu moare. O concluzie la 16 ani, i-a fost publicată în 1994, autoarea fiind numită de criticul George Pruteanu „un fel de pui de Cioran în fustă lungă şi neagră“. La 17 ani i se publică Dogmatica fericirii, iar în prefaţa cărţii actorul Florian Pittiş scrie: „Citindu-ţi cartea am tras şi eu o concluzie. «Vrei să fii fericit? Dacă eşti pregătit să suferi, iubeşte!» Chris Simion... nu eşti cumva o reîncarnare a mea?“. Alte titluri publicate: Disperarea de a fi (1996); De ce nu suntem ceea ce putem fi? (1997); Spovedania unui condamnat (1998/2000); În fiecare zi, Dumnezeu se roagă la mine (2002), Ce ne spunem când nu ne vorbim (Editura Trei, 2010). Din 2009, Chris Simion este membră a Uniunii Scriitorilor din România.

Once Upon a Time Season 4

MISS MAN-EATER by Marie Garner ♥ Release Blitz

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Title: Miss Man-Eater (The Misses Trilogy #2)

Author: Marie Garner

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 23, 2015



When Miss Man-Eater… Raquel Adams is in desperate need of a media makeover. Her already floundering reputation is made worse by her recent antics, and she doesn’t seem to care. Raquel lives life on her own terms and doesn’t answer to anyone, least of all Clayton Cox, the guy charged with making her a media darling. His take charge attitude is a problem for strong-willed Raquel, but she can’t deny the attraction she feels toward him. Meets America’s spin doctor… Clayton Cox is the boss, and damn good at his job. He’s hired to improve your reputation and does so by swooping in, saving the day, and moving onto the next one. But he can’t move one from his newest client. Raquel is maddening, and gorgeous enough to make him forget his rule of never getting involved with a client. But Clayton can’t forget what happened the last time he mixed business with pleasure. All’s fair in love and war. Raquel wants Clayton, and nothing is going to stand in her way, not even Clayton himself. He doesn’t know what hit him, and soon finds himself juggling between having to improve her reputation and feign off her advances. But Clayton’s determined to show Raquel who’s in charge at any cost, even if that means thwarting her seduction efforts. Will Miss Man-Eater change or ways? Or will Clayton become the latest victim entangled in her web?

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“But that’s just the latest thing, the tip of the iceberg you’ve been creating for years. Shall we go through some of the other stuff?” Clayton clearly didn’t expect her to answer, because he picked up the magazines he’d brought from the desk and put them down in front of her. It was bad, but Raquel refused to hide despite how much she wanted to cringe. Rumors of hard partying, cocaine use—even though she had never used it—infidelity, orgies, stripping. And that was just the rumors. As a finale he had a list of the names she had acquired—bitch, whore, slut, jezebel, home wrecker, and her moniker, Man-Eater. This is embarrassing, Raquel thought, seeing everything in black and white. It was something she hadn’t thought about; hell, half the time she cultivated it, but now she was left with regret. David was the final straw. He took her already fragile reputation and pummeled it to the ground. And what was his response when she asked him about it? “I just wanted a piece of the Man-Eater, but you didn’t even put out. Hope it was worth it. ” “That’s not all true,” she said. Great, Raquel, way to sound like an intelligent, self-assured woman. He shook his head, looking at her as if she was crazy. “No one cares. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that, but you need to get it through your thick skull. Your reputation is in the trash, and your job is on the rocks. You need me, which is why you called me. Because I am the best, and the only one who can repair your current reputation. You may not want to need me, but you do.” Raquel reached for the pitcher full of water in the middle of the table, pouring a glass and taking a long drink, wishing it was tequila, while she composed herself. “What happens now?” He raised his eyebrows, acknowledging that she ignored his statement. That was the best he was going to get from her, so he just needed to chill. “Right now? You are going to go the hell home and stay there. Don’t go out, because I can’t trust you to go anywhere. Even your local family restaurant isn’t safe when you’re around. Read over the contract,” he passed her a manila envelope that contained a bunch of paperwork, “carefully, because you are basically signing yourself over to me for the next six months. If you agree to the terms, then let me know and I will tell you where we go from here.” She opened the folder, noticing how thick the contract was. “What is your strategy?” “I’m not telling you before you agree. If you want it, you’ll sign it. And if, God forbid, anything else comes up, call me immediately.”

About The Author

download (43) Marie Garner hails from North Carolina, and has had her nose in a book for as long as she can remember. Story ideas have been floating around in her head for as long as she can remember when she finally decided to write them down. She is an avid football fan, often found rooting on her Washington Redskins or her alma mater NC State. She has taught for the past 7 years, with a short break to earn her Masters degree. She loves London, having lived there for a year, and loves taking all those crazy ideas to make stories you enjoy!

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