sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2015

Cover Reveal


Title: SCORCH (Delirious, #3)

Author: Clarissa Wild

Genre: Dark Erotic Romance

Release Date: March 2015



Sweet revenge keeps her alive … and drives her to kill. I am the forgotten one, the girl who was left for dead. In this mental hospital I call prison I plot my revenge. I remember everything. Their faces. Their touch. Even their smell. What they did to me was beyond cruel. I’m going to return the favor. In here I survive by using someone just as they used me. One of them wants to claim me as his own. A man without mercy, without a conscience, craving the wickedness inside me. But I won’t be a puppet for his desires. I will play his strings like a puppeteer and use him to escape. And when I do … I will kill them all. This is Ashley's story and the final book in the Delirious Series. This is a full-length novel. These books should be read in order. WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, strong language, dubious consent, and graphic violence.    Delirious Series

Pre - Order SCORCH (Delirious, #3)



SEEK (Delirious, #0.5)



SNARE (Delirious, #1)



SEIZE (Delirious, #2)



Click HERE to head over to Clarissa Wild's Facebook Page and enter the giveaway!


About the Author

Clarissa Clarissa Wild is the USA Today Bestselling author of FIERCE, a college romance series, but she's best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, the Doing It Series and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals. Check out my sexy books: http://smarturl.it/clarissawildbooks  

Connect with Clarissa

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Game of Thrones Season 5 - Official Trailer (2015) , Movie Trailer

vineri, 30 ianuarie 2015

Confessions from 'Fifty Shades'' Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson

Jamie Dornan - (Extra Scenes Added) Fifty Shades Of Grey: All Trailers i...

Jamie Dornan - (Extra Scenes Added) Fifty Shades Of Grey: All Trailers i...

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Inceputurile sunt intotdeauna dificile.
Cand ne-am mutat in Virginia de vest, chiar inaintea ultimului meu an de liceu, ma resemnasem sa am de-a face cu accente ciudate, acces intermitent la internet si teribil de multa plictiseala… pana cand am dat cu ochii de vecinul meu sexy, inalt si cu ochii de un verde straniu. Lucrurile pareau deja sa mearga mai bine.
Si pe urma a deschis gura. Daemon este enervant. Arogant. Imi vine sa-l omor. Nu ne intelegem deloc. Absolut deloc. Dar cand un strain ma ataca si Daemon efectiv face timpul sa incremeneasca doar cu o simpla miscare a mainii, ei bine, ceva… neasteptat se intampla.
Vecinul meu extraterestru sexy a lasat o urma pe mine. Da, ati auzit bine. Extraterestru. Se pare ca Daemon si sora lui Dee au o galaxie de inamici care vor sa le fure abilitatile, iar atingerea lui Daemon ma face sa stralucesc asemenea luminilor din Las Vegas.
Singurul fel in care pot ramane in viata in toata povestea asta este sa stau cat mai aproape de Daemon, pana cand amprenta vrajii extraterestre dispare de pe mine.
Asta daca nu-l omor mai intai.

joi, 29 ianuarie 2015

Bitten Season 2!

Insurgent | Exclusive Super Bowl Pregame Trailer | MTV

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Post by Ted.

INTOXICATE (Explosive, #4) by Tessa Teevan RELEASE BLITZ


Intoxicate, Book # 4 in the Explosive Series

Can be read as a standalone

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: January 29, 2015



Marry me.  Two words Kalli Montgomery never expected to say out loud to Xavier Cruz, even though she's been in love with the sexy, single father for as long as she can remember. Unfortunately, she hasn't just been friend-zoned for the past ten years. No, even worse, he's treated her like a little sister, no matter how hard she tried to prove she could be so much more. When she agrees to spend the summer as the caregiver for his daughter, Lily, she knows it's her last chance to finally make him take notice.  As unexpected circumstances threaten to disrupt his home life, Xavier's desperate to keep his family together. He'll do whatever it takes, even if it means marrying a woman he doesn't love. For Xavier and Lily, Kalli will do just about anything, even at the risk of getting her heart broken in the process.  Little does she know, sometimes love isn't quite as unrequited as one may think. Xavier sees her-he always has. And the vow he made all those years ago never to go there with his best friend's little sister is wavering, and it's wavering fast. When they come up with a plan that leads to wedding bells, it's a no brainer.  This marriage of convenience has one rule: absolutely no falling in love.  Easier said than done. Throw together a girl who believes rules are meant to be broken, and a man whose whole career revolves around following orders and you get a recipe for disaster. What could possibly go wrong?  

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Shooting a glare at him, I throw my hands up in exasperation. “Are you telling me that this whole anticipation thing is one-sided? Is it that easy for you to resist? I really need to step up my game.” Xavier’s eyes fall to my lips for a quick moment before he looks back up at me. I see the desire in his expression, and without him even saying a word, I know he wants this, too. So why is he making me wait? “You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now. How many times I’ve thought of doing just that. Every time you were curled up against me on the couch, I wanted to kiss you. Every morning when you showed up, I wanted to kiss you. Every time you said goodnight to Lily and then slipped out my door? I wanted to kiss you before you left. It’s not a new development. The first time I ever saw you, Kalli, I wanted to kiss you. And I’ve wanted to ever since.” His admission floors me. He’s told me before that he “saw” me, but I had no clue it was from the very beginning. I’m not really sure how to process it. In fact, he beats me to the punch. “So now you know. This will be just as hard for me, but it will be so damn worth it. Because when you’ve wanted something for as long as I’ve wanted you? It’ll be the best feeling in the world when I finally get it.” “Our first kiss will be that epic?” “A first kiss to rival them all,” he quips, grinning at me. He holds his arms out wide. “Now, we’ll start with a hug and work our way up.” “I feel like I’m sixteen again,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his waist. His hands come down to my back and he gives me a big squeeze, my head pressing against his firm chest. I love this feeling of being in his arms, him holding me close. There’s nowhere on the planet I’d rather be than right here with him. As much as I want him, I know he’s right. I don’t care when it comes. Because when it does, our first kiss will be unforgettable. His chest rumbles as he chuckles. He squeezes me tight one last time before letting me go. “And it’s only just the beginning,” he tells me. “Have a good night, crazy girl.” EXPLOSIVE - series

Ignite (Explosive #1) | Incinerate (Explosive #2) | Inflame (Explosive #3)


Author Bio

Tessa Teevan_Author Photo

I'm a twenty something book junkie who is also obsessed with sports. Bengals, Buckeyes, Reds are my teams! I work for the government during the day, hang out with Air National Guard on the weekends, and have been married to my own book boyfriend for over seven years. We currently live right outside of Dayton, OH with our two cats. If I’m not writing or looking through tons of photos of hot men, all in the name of research, then you can probably find me curled up with my Kindle, ignoring the rest of the world. I love my sports almost as much as I love my books. My other obsessions include red wine, hot men, country music, and all things Grace Potter.  

Connect with the Author

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Email | Goodreads



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marți, 27 ianuarie 2015

Sia - Salted Wound (from The "Fifty Shades of Grey" Soundtrack) (Audio)

Christina Perri - The Words [Official Video]

Trailer Fantastic 4

Blog Tour


BREAKING BRAYDON by M.K. Harkins ♥ Release Blitz

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Title: Breaking Braydon

Author: M.K. Harkins

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: January 24, 2015.



Playboy billionaire Braydon Decker changes women more often than designer ties. Scarred and humiliated as a teenager, he pledged long ago to never trust a beautiful woman again. But then he never imagined meeting one quite like Jain Parker. Jain, a dedicated medical research scientist, learned early in college that her good looks were a hindrance and she’d have to tone down her beauty to be taken seriously, thus, Plain Jain was born, and men were no longer an issue. Of course, she didn’t count on running into Braydon Decker. A successful venture capitalist, Braydon holds the key to whether Jain’s research company sinks or swims. When the two are forced to work together on a fundraising campaign, they’re instantly drawn to one another, despite their individual vows to remain unattached. As they navigate unchartered waters, their inability to trust wages war with their desire to love. Hearts are broken and trust is shattered when betrayal and lies are revealed. Will the truth bring them healing and forgiveness, or will it be too late? Breaking Braydon offers readers an emotional, compelling story filled with heartwarming humor, romance, heartbreak and love.

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About The Author


MK has always been a voracious reader. After hitting a dry spell of reading material, she decided to write the kind of book she'd like to read. This resulted in the creation of her debut novel, Intentional. (Award for Best Sweet Romance - eFestival of Words- August 2014) Unintentional, her second book, is based on the life of one of the characters in Intentional. Unintentional was written as a stand-alone book. Breaking Braydon is MK's newest work. It will be published early 2015. When she's not writing novels, she likes to spend her free time traveling the world, splashing in mud puddles (She lives in Seattle, what can she say?), watching movies and reading (!) MK also runs her own business in her current hometown of Mercer Island, Washington. She LOVES to hear from her readers! Website | Facebook |Goodreads  


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luni, 26 ianuarie 2015

New from Fifty Shades of Grey

Nou la Editura Leda!

Focul (Vrajitor si Vrajitoare, vol. 3)

Format: 13×20 cm
Autor: James Patterson
ISBN: 978-606-8623-07-8
Editura: LEDA
Aparitie: 2015
Numar pagini: 352
Preț: 39.90 RON
Va fi disponibil în 25.02.2015
Serie tradusă în 19 ţări • Bestseller Nr. 1 New York Times • Bestseller USA Today • Bestseller Publishers Weekly • Bestseller Entertainment Weekly • Nominalizat la Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards, 2011
Whit şi Wisty Allgood au sacrificat totul pentru a conduce mişcarea de Rezistenţă împotriva nemilosului regim totalitar care le guvernează lumea.
Conducătorul suprem, Cel Care Este Unicul, a interzis tot ceea ce le este lor drag: cărţi, muzică, artă şi imaginaţie. Dar puterea tot mai mare a magiei celor doi fraţi nu a fost suficientă pentru a opri malefica demenţă a Unicului.
Wisty ştie că a venit în sfârşit momentul să îl înfrunte pe Unicul. Dar lupta şi focul ei nu fac decât să canalizeze şi mai multă putere în fiinţa lui deja invincibilă. Cum ar putea ea şi Whit să se pregătească pentru iminenta confruntare finală cu nemilosul ticălos care le-a distrus lumea – înainte ca el să devină cu adevărat atotputernic?
În această uluitoare parte a treia a seriei VRĂJITOR & VRĂJITOARE, miza nu a fost nicicând mai mare – iar consecinţele vor schimba totul.
„ACŢIUNE DIN BELŞUG.” – the associated press


Format: 10,5×17,5 cm
Traducere: Carmen Ion
ISBN: 978-606-8623-63-4
Editura: LEDA
Aparitie: 2015
Numar pagini: 368
Preț: 29.90 RON
Va fi disponibil în 25.02.2015
Iubirea dintre Anna şi Bennett este mai mult decât o relaţie la distanţă: ea trăieşte în Chicago în anul 1995, iar el este un călător în timp şi vine din San Francisco, din 2012, aşa că cei doi nu ar fi trebuit să se întâlnească niciodată.
Totuşi se întâlnesc şi se îndrăgostesc… Şi, înfruntându-şi soarta, găsesc o cale de a fi împreună.
Nu este însă un aranjament perfect, căci Bennett nu poate rămâne în trecut decât pentru perioade scurte şi ratând intervale mari din propriul prezent pentru a fi cu Anna. Amândoi sunt totuşi optimişti că vor reuşi să rezolve problemele…, asta până când Bennett este martorul unui eveniment la care, în mod sigur, nu s-a aşteptat.
Deciziile pe care le va lua începând din acest moment vor conduce oare spre un viitor pe care nici el şi nici Anna nu şi-l doresc?
Cititorii familiarizaţi cu povestea Annei şi a lui Bennett din Iubire dincolo de timp vor fi captivaţi de al doilea volum al seriei. De data aceasta, evenimentele sunt relatate – în acelaşi ritm alert – din punctul de vedere al lui Bennett. O lectură ce nu trebuie ratată de pasionaţii cărţilor de dragos aventură. School Library Journal 

Cover Reveal

Over the Line

                                           Adirondack Pack 0.5

by K.C. Stewart
Publication Date: February 16, 2015
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations


The truth is in the evidence. Follow your nose, keep an ear to the ground and don’t believe everything you hear. Tyson Cartwright has always known who he was and becoming the Adirondack Pack’s Enforcer was the goal from the very start. He loves his job, but not today. Someone in the pack isn’t who they say they are. It isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last that Tyson has to rid the pack of a spy. These are the people he calls his friends and family and one of them is lying to him. His gut has an idea but is it just because he doesn’t like the man his sister has taken up with or is there something more to Jack Naughton? For Jenny’s sake he better know for sure it’s Jack before dispensing justice because once a wolf goes over the line, there is no coming back.

Other Books by K.C. Stewart

Spark (Hailey Holloway #1)
Amazon US | UK | CA || Barnes & Noble || Kobo
Singe (Hailey Holloway #2)
Amazon US | UK | CA || Barnes & Noble || Kobo
Scorch (Hailey Holloway #3)
Amazon US | UK | CA || Barnes & Noble || Kobo

Meet the Author

K.C. Stewart lives in central Pennsylvania with her three cats. She is currently attending college online for Library Science while working full time as a photographer.  In her spare time, which isn't easy to find, she reads an obnoxious amount and writes in between everything else.  K.C. has a very real addiction to gummy bears and talking to her cats when no one is around. 


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WINGS OVER POPPIES by J.A. DeRouen ♥ Release Blitz

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Title: Wings Over Poppies (Over #2)

Author: J.A. DeRouen

Genre: New Adult

Release Date: January 26, 2015

Cover Design: Mae I Design And Photography



Perfection. One word. Three syllables. Every reason why I’ll never have the one thing I truly want. I stand dutifully on the pedestal he’s built, waiting for the day he truly sees me. Then one amazing night, he lets down his walls, only to leave me the next day. Years have passed, and I’ve tried to move on with my life. But I still dream of him. I still miss him everyday. The memories haunt me. How can I look to the future when my past remains a mystery? The time has come to find the boy who stole my heart and ran away without a word. But not everyone who is lost wants to be found. My name is Alexandra Fontaine, and this is my story of unfinished love. Wings Over Poppies is book #2 in The Over Series and can be read as a standalone novel.

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I shift closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist. I lay my head on his chest and breathe him in. His shoulders relax, if only slightly. The need to comfort him is overwhelming. I want to wash it all away for him, hold the world at bay while I erase the worry permanently etched in his forehead. “Everything is going to be okay, West. I just know it,” I lie. I don’t know that everything will be okay. I don’t know anything at all. We sit in electrified silence, the crackling of dead leaves under us the only sound. I memorize the feel of him, the smell of him, the rhythm of his breathing. I’m lost in the moment, already anticipating the loss that’s to come. “I leave in a month.” The words cut through the silence like a judgment. Instead of hurt, I’m filled with resolve. I won’t let him push me away anymore. I’m done playing by his rules. I rise up to meet the storm brewing in his eyes. His hand wraps firmly around my neck, and his eyes dart hungrily to my lips. I swallow nervously and refuse to look away. If he turns his head or pulls my hair, I swear I’m going to tackle him to the ground. I lean in hopefully, somewhat expectantly, and close my eyes. His warm breath dances across my lips, and my every prayer is answered. He presses his mouth firmly to mine and stills, almost memorizing the moment. That one small touch is the beginning of the most memorable kiss of my life. It’s hello and goodbye, I love you, I’ll miss you, and everything in between. He sucks my bottom lip, and I inhale sharply, completely overcome. His hands dive into my hair, and his tongue slides against mine just once before he pulls away. He touches my forehead to his and chuckles softly. “What have we been waiting for all this time?” “You,” I whisper breathlessly, “I’ve been waiting for you.” My admission is all he needs. He devours me, a tangle of lips, teeth, tongues, and hands. I don’t know where I end and he begins. I’m exhilarated and relieved all at once. I run my hands down his arms and grip his wrists tightly. I pull away and look into his hooded eyes. “Tell me something, West. Tell me something I don’t know.” He runs a thumb over my swollen lips while he studies me. I’ve never felt more loved, more worshipped. “I can’t imagine a world without you in it. No matter where I am, I’ll always dream of you. It’ll have to be enough.” He places soft, scorching kisses up my neck until he reaches my ear. “God, I don’t think it’ll ever be enough.”
About The Author
J.A. Derouen lives in South Louisiana with her husband, son (aptly nicknamed "The Professor"), and her furry friend, Scout. She has earned bachelor’s degrees in psychology and nursing. When she's not writing or inhaling romance novels by the stack, she works as a women's health nurse. She’s been an avid reader and daydreamer since childhood, and she's never stopped turning the page to get to the next happily ever after.
Buy Book One
Hope over Fear_high

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Wings over Poppies-FINAL (1)

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joi, 22 ianuarie 2015

STRĂINUL SEDUCĂTOR (seria Ticălosul seducător, vol. 2), de Christina Lauren, în curând la Editura Trei! smile emoticon

TUTUROR BĂIEȚILOR PE CARE I-AM IUBIT (To All the Boys I've Loved Before), de Jenny Han, în curând la Editura Trei!

Cover Reveal


Broken Cover

Title: Broken Until You (Until You #2)

Author: J.R. Grant

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: March 19. 2015



Secrets... Lies... Destruction...

You can't shatter a heart if it's already broken.

She's beautiful and smart, but behind every forced smile, Blue Hamilton died a little more inside. After suffering years of abuse by the one she loved, Blue packed her bags and left town, vowing to never return.

Three years later, everything started falling into place when Blue's world is suddenly flipped upside down, leaving her one of two options- either she sells her soul to the devil, or runs into the arms of the forbidden, praying to make it out alive.

His striking personality and toned, muscular body may have gotten him anything he wanted, but Stone Walker has never been able to let his walls down and live, until Blue walks through the door.

Promising to keep her safe from the destruction of her past, Stone does everything in his power to live up to his word, no matter the cost.

Lies are exposed, secrets are revealed, and when the truth finally comes to surface, two innocent lives are forced through a whirlwind of suffering and pain.

What happens when Blue finds out the truth behind Stone's corrupted past? Can she forgive him and move on once the damage is done? Or will she walk away for good, refusing to look back?

Follow this compelling journey of love, loss and survival. If everyone makes it out alive, it will be a miracle.


The picture of life is black and white, plain and simple. People were either happy or sad, angry or laughing, loved or hated. There wasn’t an in-between. Some might have thought I lived a decent life. I put on a pleasurable front; laughing a lot, smiling often. Trying my damnedest to make everyone happy. I forced myself into the world, yearning for companionship, seeking immeasurable love. I’d fix myself up, striving for acceptance, determined to have a good time. However life behind the tainted walls of my destructive shadow was a complete different story. No one knew the real me. The true Blue Hamilton. I was a broken shell in the big blue sea just floating by. Tormented. Wrecked. Anguished. My heart had been shattered into a million pieces. Untraceable. My soul was damaged beyond repair. Undefinable. And the very thing others called life had been utterly wrecked. Fear ate at me like a starved monster, pulling me apart piece by piece. It sucked the life out of me, draining every ounce of hope imaginable. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to turn. No one understood my sufferings and pain. Had someone stood by my side through all the turmoil and destruction, things might have turned out differently. I highly doubted it, though. Because if I knew anything about myself; I was destined to suffer. It was inevitable. I just wanted be loved, to feel loved, but I guess that was too much to ask for. I didn’t seek a distasteful pity party, or want others feel sorry for me. That’s why I kept my past to myself. The last thing I needed was to be judged off things I’d been through, things that wrecked me completely. Only God knew the ways I’d suffered, the ways I’d lost, and even He became questionable at times. Did I believe there was an eternity? A Heaven and hell? Of course. I knew there had to be something more than what I had been living, something worth fighting for. I just couldn’t figure out exactly what. Faithfully I prayed my steps would be ordered by the Lord. I asked God to direct me, to guide me and help me, but something always got in the way every time I saw a little ounce of light. I gave everything I had, everything in me to show those close to me that I cared. But just like everyone else in this crooked world, I had to learn the hard way; you can’t make someone love you, no matter what you do. After reflecting on all I had been forced through, and how the situations dragged me down, somewhere along the line I gave up. I wasn’t sure if it really mattered, anyway. People like me didn’t deserve happiness. If anything, we woke every morning and walked the thin, dotted line, praying to make it through the day. That was all I strived for…. Survival.

About The Author

J.R. Author

JR Grant is an avid reader, fictional writer and bestselling author of Shattered Promises and Lost Until You. When she's not tending to one of her kids sporting events, or plotting her next story, you can catch her on the beach with her kindle in hand, soaking up the sun. For more information or to contact the author, visit one of her social media sites below.

Website | Facebook | Twitter |TSU | Google + | Goodreads

Lost Until You (Until You #1)

LUY Cover



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Broken Full

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