luni, 26 mai 2014

Love Undone blog tour

Love Undone
By Diana Nixon
Available from JUNE, 3rd 2014

What would you do if all your memories were gone?
One day Kassie wakes up and realizes that her life is nothing but an endless emptiness…
One tragic incident takes away everything that she has ever cherished and loved: family, friends and all the best moments that she ever lived through.
Now everything seems unknown, including a beautiful stranger,
whose mere look makes her heart beat faster.
Who is that reckless and mysterious man? Is he just an old friend or an enemy? Sinking into the vortex of indescribable emotions, they will give in to the most irresistible temptation ever,
just to fall in love with each other, again and again...

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Read Chapter 1
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Other books by Diana Nixon:
Love Lines (LL, # 1)
Songs of the Wind (LL, # 2)
From Scratch (LL. # 2.5)
Diamond Sky (LL, # 3)

The Souls of Rain (Heavens Trilogy, # 1)
The Prisoners of Dreams (Heavens Trilogy, # 1.5)

Hate at First Sight (A contemporary romance)

Grab a copy of the book you’d like to read here:

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What the hell do you think you are doing? My rational thinking obviously didn’t like the idea of the upcoming shower session. Looks like my common sense flew out the window when it came to resisting whatever Daniel had on his mind, offering his help with the damn shower.
The elevator never seemed to go so freaking slow. It was big enough to contain the entire hockey team but right now, it felt like the smallest place in the world. Daniel and I were standing facing each other; unlike his eyes, which were fixed on me, mine were fully focused on my shoes. Great shoes, by the way, made in black patent leather, with the small gold buckles and heels.
Gosh, how could I have been so stupid? I took a deep breath, hoping it would help me relax and stop that irritating trembling in my knees. It’s not that I was getting myself ready for sleeping with Daniel, but how the heck was I supposed to take that thought out of my mind? My shitty courage was leaving me with every passing second, and by the time the elevator stopped, I badly wanted someone to kill me.
“Second thoughts are so disturbing,” Daniel said as I turned to the doors.
“Excuse me?”
“Never mind.” He smiled mischievously. “Just thinking aloud.”
I returned the smile, hoping to fool his all-knowing mind and stepped out of the elevator, holding my head as high as I could.
By the time we stopped at the door of my apartment, I could barely hide my nervousness; my hands were shaking visibly.
“Let me help you,” Daniel said, taking the keys from my hands. “Are you all right? You seem a little pale.”
No, shit?
“I’m fine,” I said, crossing the threshold of my apartment. I sure as hell didn’t want to make a fool of myself, but apparently it was the only thing I was still able to do at the moment. Crap…
I took off my jacket and dropped it on the couch, thinking frantically about what to say next.
“I remember you offering a cup of tea,” Daniel said, as if feeling my hesitation.
“And, I remember you refusing it,” I snapped, not even thinking about hiding the sarcasm in my voice.
He smirked. “Then, why don’t we move to the more interesting part of our plan?”
You have a lot of nerve, I thought furiously to myself. Though, why would I be furious? No one made me accept his help, no matter how obviously ‘non-helping’ it sounded.
I smiled pleasantly. “You’re right. Let’s leave tea for later.” Then, I turned on my heel and headed for the bedroom, listening to the echoes of Daniel’s quiet laugher, following me down the hall. Did he always have to be such a pain in the neck?

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