sâmbătă, 30 noiembrie 2013

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Recenzie:Ethereal Fury (Gemini Rising #1)

Ethereal Fury (Gemini Rising #1)
by Jessica O'Gorek


Angry at the human race and its methodical destruction of her resources, Mother Earth recruits souls who have just left their bodies to serve Her, and turns them against humanity. Gemini, a clan of paranormal beings, picked from these possessed humans, emerges. A powerful, rising force proceeds to carry out Mother Nature’s plan to systematically destroy towns, cities, states… and eventually, the world. Amidst the chaos, a forbidden relationship between a human girl, Violette, and Onyx, a lead Gemini, begins. They will both find themselves in the middle of a revolutionary war that will either save, or destroy our world.

My opinion:

Cred ca acesta este cea mai diferita carte pe care am citio pana acum. Nu pot sa o aseman cu niciunea dintre cartile pe care le-am citi.

Subiectul acestei carti este poluarea.Si cat de mult dauneaza acesta intregului pamant, dar si omenirii.

Oliver,este un tanar ambitios,insetat de bani si de putere. El vrea acesta putere indifferent de pretul pe care il costa,sau prestul pe care il plateste natura.Chiar si atunci cand are tot aceea ce isi doreste,nu e deajuns. Vrea mult mai mult.

Pana cand,intr-o dimineata acesta moare, in casa lui luxoasa. Insa nu a muri de o moarte naturala. Ei aici ei smecheria. Mama Natura la pedepsit,pentru ani de poluare, si la integrat intr-o noua populatie Gemini Rising, pentru a pedepsi oamanii de pe pamant.

Chiar daca vreme de multi ani, el isi indeplineste acesta sarcina, totul se culmina cand intalneste o tanara fata, de care se indragosteste pe loc. Ceea ce nu ii este permis.

Este o carte plina de paranormal,fantastic si dragoste. Este placuta pentru acestea sunt foarte bine impletite si structurate in asa fel incat actiuea decurge de la sine.

Oliver, chiar daca in viata sa de om a fost nemilos si plina de ambitie pentru puterea sa,puteam sa vedem si ca in viata sa de Gemini Rising acestea inca se mai intrevad. Chiar sic and este in prezenta fetei, mania si ambitia se intrevad.

Este o carte mai speciala,pot sa zic, insa nu asa de placuta pentru gustul meu. Ceea ce nu mia placut a fost ca nu am fost atrasa in poveste ca majoritatea cartilor. O carte minunata te face sa te simti ca faci parte din aceea poveste, nu doar o citesti. Iar citind acesta carte ma simteam ca si cum as fi o intrusa. Este o senzatie ciudata,stiu, insa aceea ce mi-a transmis cartea.

Anyway, eu zic sa incercati,pentru ca desi nu am iubit cartea,mi-a placut pentru povestea ei originala. Cine stie,poate al doilea volum o sa fie sensational. 

Publicity Campaign:Me After You

A awesome new book i just discovered.I`m thankful to Goodreads,because,every single day i see some awesome book,and also i can talk with the author of that book.So..here we go again.

Just look to the cover.It`s simple amazing.Foe me, the cover it`s very important.Why?I that kind of girl that doesn't read the description if i don`t like the cover.Silly,huh?
This year i propose my self to read diversity books.And i read plenty.And this book it`s one of them.So take a look,and the interview too.And we have a giveaway to!Thanks to Mindy!

A Contemporary Romance

Widowed at twenty-five, Sawyer Hartwell has no choice but to return to her hometown. Broke and alone, the intention was to heal and find herself again, but how can she heal in a place filled with so much sorrow and memories she yearns to forget?

Dean Preston has regretted leaving Willowhaven since the day he rode off on his motorcycle six years ago, destroying the only love he had ever known. Returning too late, he's found small comfort in a new life with Lily, but with Sawyer back he's not sure of anything anymore.

The time has come for Sawyer and Dean to face the past, to learn from their mistakes. The road to healing is paved with old wounds, each one threatening to tear them down completely. Carrying their own scars close to their hearts, they must both confront what's gone before or lose their second chance.

The measure of who we are is what we survive. Who we become is up to us.

Coming November 2013


The interview:

1.Please, tell us your name, the city you are born and the books you write.I’m Mindy Hayes and I was born in San Diego, California. I write YA fantasy and NA contemporary romance.

2. How did you become a writer?
English was always my favorite subject in school. Most likely because it was a subject I was actually good at. One day it sort of came to me that I wanted to be a writer. So, I turned to my husband and said, “I’m going to write a book.” He looked at me a little funny because I’d never been much of a reader or writer when we were dating or engaged, but he nodded and said, “Okay.”

3. Who inspired you to write?
It’s so cliché that I don’t even want to say it, but it was Stephenie Meyer...haha. I was never even much of a reader before I read Twilight. It sparked something inside of me. I pulled out my laptop nearly six years ago and have barely gone a day without writing since.

4. How old were you when you wrote the first book?
I was twenty-four when I finished Kaleidoscope, my first YA fantasy. Though, I wrote a several unpublishable books before that which will never see the light of day…haha.

5. Your favorite books?
Lots of people say picking a favorite book is too hard, but I have three that I could say hands down are my favorite. If I Stay by Gayle Forman, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, and my all time favorite--On The Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta.

6. What inspired you to write Me After You?
It’s hard for me to answer this question without getting too personal, but sometimes in life certain things happen to us that we have no control over. It's how we react to those situations that make us into the people we are today. I went through a period of time where I questioned how I would ever be happy again and somewhere during that time Me After You was born.

7.Why did you write this book?
Sawyer crawled into my head while I was finishing Ember, a book in my Faylinn series, and was pretty persistent in making sure her story was told. I was all on track to finish two other books, but this Me After You came through stronger. Sawyer became my soul sister. If I was having a particularly rough day I turned to her. It was a book that begged to be written. I’d never really experienced that until Me After You and that’s how I knew it had to be finished.

8. A message for your fans?
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Without readers it would take a lot more inspiration to write. Knowing you have someone to write for, that’s rooting for you, makes it that much more worth it. So, thank you for you support!

The Giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Some kind of movie review:Catching Fire

OMG!Deci am fost joi la film.Eram asa plina de adrenalina pentru ca vazusem cred ca deja trailarul de vreo 10 ori.Vroiam sa ma duc la priemiera ca orice fan inflacarat,dar din pacate nu am avut cu cine.Ceea ce e trist,nu?Adica cine nu vrea sa vada Hunger games:Cathing Fire?Ei se pare ca aici in oras sunt singura „disperata” dupa carti si filme..ceea ce destul de grav pentru mine.Insa nu ma dau batuta.Doar va am pe voi,cu cine sa impartasesc „obsesia” mea.

Ei dar nu va faceti griji pentru ca tot mi-am gasit un partener.Si daca nu mama atunci cine?!Da,vedeti bine,am corupto pe mama si am mers la film.Insa cum ea nu vayuse prima parte m-am decis sa ne uitam amandoua la prima parte.Eram asa de infricata pentru ca stiu ca mama nu e genul de persoana cu astfel de filme,si ma gandeam ca dupa vreo 10 minute o sa adoarma.Insa,pentru a vedea filmul la cinema,chiar nu ma interesa.
So,dam drumul la film si dupa 10 minute vad ca si comenteaza filmul si e chiar inflacarata cand o face.Si eu eram ceva de genul:WTF?N-ai adormit?In fine,am ramas foarte suprinsa ca i-a placut mai ales ca astepta cu diperare sa vada parte a doua.

Bun si acum partea cea mai buna.Pot sa spun ca acesta este o recenzie al filmul,insa...nha..nu chiar.Filmul e bestial.Cel mai bun ever.Pur si simplu e noua mea obsesie.Atat cartile cat si filmul.Efectele si sentimentele pe care le ai in timp ce vizionezi filmu..O my god!E mult mai intens ca si orice film pe care l-am vayut in viata mea.Mi-a placut atat de mult.

Eram foarte curioasa cat o sa fie transapuse actiunile din carte in film.Si nu m-au dezamagit deloc.Cred ca pe durata filmului am clipit de cateva ori.:))

Actori...Finnik..pur si simplu stateam cu cutia de popcorn deasupra gurii mele ca sa nu vada mama ca salivez in halul asta.Eram ca o fetiscana de 15 ani care vede pentru prima data un baiat.Si cand imi aduc aminte ca fanii au fost dezamagiti de alegerea lui Sam in rolul lui Finnik...How wrong they were.Anyway..Finnik...So Damn Hooooot

Mi-a placut ca am vazut aceea chimie dintre Katniss Si Peeta.E pur si simplu adorabilaMi-a placut duritatea lui Katniss.Insfarsit o vedem asa cum este..

Iar costumele..Doamne am ramas fara rasuflare cand am vazut rochia lui Katniss.Cinna is a fucking genius.

And Joanna?I love this scena>J))Is  the bestJ))

Dar pe cat de emotionat am fost la acest film pe atat de nervoasa si plina de ura eram in acelasi timp.Snow,hope i see you die soon!

Efectele sunt incredibile.Adica fata de primul filmul,al doilea este pur si simplu remarcabil.Ma bucur ca l-au filmat in IMAX.

Ok...cred am palavragit destul de mult.Cine nu a fost sa vada filmul trebuie neaparat sa se duca.Pierzi cel mai bun moment din viata ta.Iar cei care le-au vazut vreau sa stiu parerea voastra.Like this movie?Or love it?

joi, 28 noiembrie 2013

Edge November 2013 Blast

Edge, a digital-first single-title romance line from Entangled Publishing, takes its lead from our popular Select imprint but gives its novels an edge in the marketplace by bringing great stories to readers at reasonable prices in a quick-and-easy way. Whether sexy or sweet, traditional romance or love and lust with a women’s fiction bent, at the center of every Edge book is heart. From Urban Fantasy to Contemporary Romance to Science Fiction Romance, Edge has a book for all romance readers—and right at their fingertips! As they say, all’s fair in love and war. To find out more about our titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books are coming next, visit the Entangled website, follow us on Twitter, and like our Facebook page.

Today I'm happy to be featuring Edge's November releases!!

Some Like it Sinful by Robbie Terman
Perfect Recipe #2

Their attraction is sinfully delicious…

A struggling business and one act of vandalism may have brought them together, but bakery owner Chloe Nelson and professional hockey player Griffin Lange get along like chocolate and pickles. Chloe needs the famous (and famously unattached) Griffin to attract people to her pastries, and Griffin needs the curvaceous and fiery Chloe to keep him out of trouble. A fake relationship to keep the media interested seems like the perfect plan.

But when temptation throws them into bed together, a new plan arises. Why not make the fake real? Griffin’s winning every home game, and Chloe’s business has never been better. Both know it’s only physical—and only temporary. But can they drop their defenses for love, even if it means getting a little bit sinful?

Wild Card by Jamie Wyman

It was bad enough that gods gambled with human souls, but Catherine Sharp’s soul just had to be won by the Greek goddess of Discord, Eris. As if working a dead-end tech support job didn’t suck the life out of her as it was. Now, Cat finds herself performing random tasks for the goddess in her free time.

But when Coyote, the Native American trickster himself, claims to have won her own soul in Mayhem's weekly poker game, Cat wants in on the action. With five sneaky gods upping the ante, Cat needs to find a way to collect the winning chips that could save her soul.

Marius, a handsome yet irritating satyr with his own debt to Eris, might finally come in handy for something. If they play their cards right and work together, Cat and Marius may just get their freedom back. If they don't kill each other or fall in love first.

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

Covet November Blast

Covets have all the sexiness, emotion, and happily ever after that readers have come to expect and love from Entangled. They are firmly grounded in the contemporary world, but each novel brings in supernatural twists, breaking the contemporary and paranormal rules, alike. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books you’ll be coveting next, visit the Entangled website, follow them on Twitter, LIKE their Facebook page, and join the Book Club.

Today I'm happy to be featuring Covet's November releases which is very exciting because in celebration of these three great new books, they are on sale for just $0.99 for the first week of release only. So they are perfect to download and read over the long holiday weekend between all the hussle and bussle for a nice little break.

Also, make sure to hop on twitter tonight, 11/25 at 8PM to join in the #CovetBash. The authors of these fabulous books will be joining in the fun, and there will be lot's of chances to win prizes, including a grand prize giveaway of Covet's entire backlist to one lucky winner! Details here.

Parts & Wreck by Mark Henry

Wade Crowson, a brutish and brooding playboy and veteran vivisectionist for the Parts Department, runs into more than he bargained for in new partner, Lucid Montgomery, a quirky beauty with a bizarre secret and a string of psychiatric diagnoses she tries hard to keep hidden. Loving Luce will stamp a demonic target on her back and thrust Wade into a frenzied whirlwind of hilarious misunderstandings and, quite possibly, a stripping gig for emptynesters. Can they withstand the savagery of an exorcism (with or without the split pea soup) and come out alive and …in love?

Operation Saving Daniel by Nina Croft

At eighteen, Melissa seduced her best friend Julia's brother only to run away shortly after. While Daniel was her fairytale prince, Lissa didn’t believe in happy ever afters.

Ten years and a near death experience later, Lissa is ready for a husband and family. But a cry for help from Julia puts that dream on hold. Daniel is acting weird and he’s about to marry his long term girlfriend—AKA The Evil One. Someone needs to save him.

Daniel has never stopped loving Lissa. Ten years ago when he gave her a little freedom, he always intended that one day they would be together. Right up until the moment he was bitten by a werewolf. Now, Daniel has to hide what he is. He won’t risk anyone else, especially the woman he loves.

But Lissa is back. Their attraction is stronger than ever and Lissa is nothing if not tenacious.

The Awakening: Britton by Abby Niles
The Awakening #3

"I would lick that man up one side and down the other."

Half-shifter and lead SPAC agent, Val Calhoun, has listened to women gush over the Don Juan of the precinct for the last four years. Yeah, Detective Britton Townsend is hot and has stunning blue eyes, but that foul mouth he saves only for her? What a waste of good looks. And no way does Val want that mouth anywhere near hers.

When the shifter community is threatened, Val is assigned to the case…and fails. So the High Council turns to the rogue shifter they'd sentenced to twenty years as a human--that same obnoxiously sexy Detective Townsend. And sends the two arch-enemies deep into the North Carolina Mountains-—together, and alone.

Being stuck in a tiny honeymoon cabin with Miss Castration and only one bed is definitely not Britton's idea of a good time. But the High Council doesn’t take no for an answer. After his shifter abilities are restored, Brit is once again susceptible to the dreaded, irreversible bonding instinct, the Drall. Thankfully, all he’s ever felt for Val is intense loathing, no reason to worry. Right? All he has to do is solve this case pronto, and he can go back to his footloose Casanova ways. That is, if they don’t kill each other first. Or worse...fall in love.

Missed the first book in the Awakening series? While these books stand alone, it can be fun to go back and see how the other couple got together. And in celebration of book #3's release, book one, The Awakening: Aidan is on sale for just $0.99 as well, so grab it while you can!

The Awakening: Aidan by Abby Niles
The Awakening #1

Is the gift of eternal love a blessing or a curse? After years of counseling grieving shifters, psychiatrist and half-shifter, Dr. Jaylin Avgar has become jaded on shifter mating. She wants to marry a human and forget about the love for eternity crap. Then she meets Aidan O’Connell, an infuriatingly laid back shifter who represents everything she doesn’t want. Yet, the more he pursues her, the more she craves a future with him. Only one thing stands in her way: death. Can she overcome her fear of losing Aidan to the one guarantee in life? Millionaire consultant, Aidan O’Connell knows he’ll one day meet a woman who’ll awaken an unrelenting mating instinct. Unfortunately, that woman is Jaylin, who has no qualms about telling him that he and his so-called eternity can shove it. When she pushes him away, he takes a drastic step so she can no longer escape. The close proximity throws the instinct into overdrive. Can he control the need engrained in him until he’s certain she will reciprocate the bond, or will a moment of weakness doom him to hell on earth?

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

miercuri, 27 noiembrie 2013

Christmas Past by Susanna Fraser

Find Your Ever After in Under An Hour

Ever After features paranormal, sci-fi, and horror novellas, all with the romance you've come to love from Entangled--just in a shorter format. Make sure to like their new Facebook Page and follow them on Twitter.

Today I'm happy to be featuring Ever After's November release!

Christmas Past by Susanna Fraser

Time-traveling PhD student Sydney Dahlquist’s first mission sounded simple enough—spend two weeks in December 1810 collecting blood samples from the sick and wounded of Wellington’s army, then go home to modern-day Seattle and Christmas with her family. But when her time machine breaks, stranding her in the past, she must decide whether to sacrifice herself to protect the timeline or to build a new life—and embrace a new love—two centuries before her time.

Rifle captain Miles Griffin has been fascinated by the tall, beautiful "Mrs. Sydney" from the day he met her caring for wounded soldiers. When he stumbles upon her time travel secret on Christmas Eve, he vows to do whatever it takes to seduce her into making her home in his present—by his side.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

marți, 19 noiembrie 2013

Recenzie Jocurile Foamei:Sfidarea

Jocurile Foamei:Sfidarea de Suzanne Collins

Katniss si Peeta au castigat impreuna sangeroasele Jocuri ale Foamei, sfidand pentru prima oara in istorie regulile impuse de Capitoliu. Reveniti in Districtul 12, dupa toate incercarile infruntate, convinsi ca au castigat o viata sigura si decenta pentru ei si familiile lor, spera ca va urma o lunga perioada de pace. Dar, in timp ce Katniss si Peeta parcurg obligatoriul Tur al Invingatorilor, apar zvonuri despre o revolta printre locuitorii districtelor. Iar in ochii conducatorilor, ei sunt sursa acestei rebeliuni. Daca nu vor reusi sa convinga natiunea Panemului ca sunt in continuare indragostiti nebuneste, consecintele ar putea fi dezastruoase…

My opinion:

O Doamne nu mai stiu de cand nu am mai fost asa obsedata.Cartea asta chiar creeaza dependenta.Cred asta era pe vremea Twilight.Doar atunci cred ca mai fost asa.Cum spuneau si critici,a doua cartea este mult mai buna decat prima.Si defapt asa ar si trebui sa fie,nu?Insa la multi autori nu vad acestea.Insa aici nu e cazul de asa ceva.

Imi place acesta al  doilea volum mult mai mult pentru ca insfarsit o vedem pe Katniss asa cum este ea.O luptatoare.Nu se teme pentru ceea ce o sa i se intample,ci doar familia ei conteaza.Chiar si cand e prinsa in padure,neputand sa treaca de gardul electric,ceea ce in mintea ei este ca familia ei o sa fie ingrijorata.Este pur si simplu minunata.Nu cred ca as fi putut sa rezist in lumea in care ea este un simbol deja.Un simbol de lupa.

"A avea ochi pentru frumusete,nu e tot una cu o slabiciune,subliniaza Peeta.Poate cu exceptia cazului cand e vorba despre tine."

Actiunea,o doamne pur si simplu mi-a pompat sangele in vene.Cu fiecare capitol deveneam din ce in ce mai dependenta.Ca si un copil de jocurile video.Imi place ca sunt mult mai multe scene in Katniss si Peeta.Chiar daca nu exista ceea exteriorizare a sentimentelor,pur si simplu imi plac scenele dintre ei doi.Cartea acesta este scrisa in perioada in care,fantasticul,actiunea,umorul se vindeau ca painea calda.Ceea ce nu pot sa zic si despre 20132-2013 de cand Fifty Shades of Grey o avut un asa mare succes.Nu zic ca nu-mi plac literaturile erotice,sau cartile cu putin erotism in ele,insa deja se exagereaza.Stop selling sex,guys!O cartea poate fi extraordinar de buna si fara asa ceva.Lua-ti exemplu de aici.

"Nu vrea decat sa-mi petrec fiecare minut din restul vietii mele cu tine."

Pur si simplu am devorat cartea.Iar cei care au citito stiu despre ce vorbesc.La tot ce imi sta mintea,si ma tot intreb este de ce naiba nu am citio mai repede?! Iti confera ata de multe emotii acesta carte:ura impotriva Capitoliului,moartea lui Snow,compasiune pentru Peeta si Katniss,plansete pentru suferinta tributurilor.Insa sperante pentru o revolta.

"As vrea sa pot opri timpul in clipa asta,aici si acum,si sa traiesc in ea o vesnicie."

Cartea acesta trebuie sa o cititi neaparat,nu doar pentru ca zic eu.Ci pentru ca este o carte exceptional de buna.Pur si simplu nu o sa o lasati din mana.Iar asta se intampla numai cu cartile minunat de bune!Si mai ales nu uitati sa mergeti la film.Am doar fieori pe sina spinarii de nerabdare!

Cartea are 320 pagini,coperta cartonata,format 145x215 si o puteti comanda de pe site-ul editurii Nemira.

duminică, 17 noiembrie 2013

Publicity Campaign:An Ill Wind Review

Gabriella Berryngton is an unhappy and oppressed fourteen year old girl from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1683. She dreams of escaping her bitter, ambitious stepfather and sailing off into the unknown. 

Her dreams come true when her stepfather sells her into marriage.

Aboard the Freyja, she is hopeful that her new life in the Dutch West Indies will be an improvement – a hope that dies when she is given a slave (Klara) and a whip. She discovers that her soon-to-be father-in-law is a ruthless slave trader in league with pirates, and her fiancé is cold, unfriendly and disinterested in Gabriella. She is little more than a vessel to provide the next generation.

Largely ignored and desperately unhappy, she and Klara develop a friendship which makes life bearable – at first. Once married, Gabriella's life takes a turn for the worse and she descends into a world of horror and abuse, until tensions explode. Life will never be the same and she has no choice but to take fate into her own hands.

My opinion:

I receive this book from the author.And I was so happy to read it.It is a wonderful book.I love books like this one.

There are so much to say about this book.Many,many things. Probably,you`ve read the description of the book.Most of you don`t want read it,because it is not fantasy,or something like that.But it is more than that.It is about the pain that women have to endure in 1660,in England.To marry a guy that you haven`t see it and most of it to not love you or  appreciated you .It is hard.Many of was you don`t figured how this will be for us if where in there places. I have endured?Have I died?

So this book,like I said present us the live of Gabriella,a girl that has 14 years old.She is sold be her father for marriage.She has no choice.But she is thinking,that maybe,there ,with her new family it will be more fine and she will escape for her father abuse.

But she is so wrong.There she has no friends,or family to support her.The only friend it is her slave,Klara.Soon she will find out that it has better with her father and mom.

This book is about this years when a women idea,her feelings, emotions doesn`t metter.Is about a cruel, savage world.When only mens opinion metters.Marriage for love doesn`t exist.

Only money and power.

It is a different book and lovely one.It`s about to live in a world of power,and loneliness.The author`s thoughts are so smoothon paper.They are so wonderful to read.It is a book that I want so much to see here,in Romania too.I`m sure that every one will love it.

And who can you not?Just take a look on the cover.I have the book with the old cover,but the inside book metters.

Again thanks to the author for written this amazing book and for provide me and for one more person a copy of the book.

vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013

I want the summer back!:((

Borrowed from the library(5)

Dupa atatea carti cumparate,cum sa nu imprumut si de la biblioteca.De data acesta mi-am luat numai doua.O sa va arat doar una pentru ca pe cealalta am si duso inapoi.

Cum tot apare filmul si vreau sa ma duc,mi-am luat,chiar daca e in varianta veche:

A doua este vorba despre Sfasierea Cerului.Am postat recenzia deja.Take a look here!


My mail(8)

A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am mai facut acesta rubrica.Insa,desi am zis o ca las mai moale cu cumparatul cartilor,pentru ca am o gramada de carti necitite,nu m-am putut abtine.Mai ales cu asemenea reduceri.Insa sa lasam vorba de o parte si sa va arat cu ce mi-am mai completat biblioteca:

Profitand de pretul scazut,si mai ales ca nu am seria,trebuia sa mi-o iau.Deocamdata doar primele 4 volume.Restul trebuie sa apara:

Am profitat iar de reducerile de pe Libris,si mi-am luat:

Se pare ca elefant luna acesta a fost foarte darnica in privinta transportului,asa ca am colectat:
 Cum a aparut filmul,si vreau sa ma uit,am decis sa citesc cartea inainte :D

 Cartea acesta mi-o trebuia la facultate,asa ca din moment ce era la 4,95 de ce sa nu mi-o iau...

Cartea aceasta am cautat-o de ceva vreme si in sfarsit am gasit-o.Este o carte minunta.In curant receniza:

Acesta am prins-o la reducere la o librarie de la mine din oras.Doau la pret de una.Celelta nu pot sa o arat acum deorece e la o colega.Este vorba despre Inalte si Blonde.Am sa o arat in celalta postare:

Din Real:
Sunt foarte cum e acesta carte.Am citi descrierea si mi-a placut enorm de mult.Sper ca,cartea sa fie la fel.

Urmatoarele carti sunt de la biblioteca de la facultate,si au fost gratis.Este un program unde bibliotecarii in fiecare saptaman scot cateva cartii are sunt in foarte multe exemplare,iar studentii pot sa le iau acasa,de tot.Am fost asa de fericita.Cred ca am luat vreo 10 carti acasa.Bine,majoritatea trebuindu-mi la cursuri.Insa cateva sunt mai interesante:

Acesta chiar mi-a atras atentia,mai ales ca e sub forma unui jurnal,

Sunt foarte curioasa cum sunt.:D

Iar ultimele doua le-ma primit.Una castigata pe un blog,iar celalta pe Goodreads.Prima mea carte castigata pe Goodreads:

Deci,ce parere aveti?Uhhh multe,nu?Stati pe aproape pentru ca mai urmeaza.:))

Voi ce ati mai cumparat/primit?
