Title: Unreap My Heart (The Reaper Series,
Author: Kate Evangelista
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Release: September 17, 2013
Genre: Paranormal
Age Group: Young Adult
Event organized by: AToMR Tours
Book Description:
Death is stabbed with a dagger that sucks out his powers, Balthazar is roped
into helping him find the Redeemer, the only one who can remove the dagger. But
nothing is free in the Underverse. For travelling to the most dangerous places
in the Underverse, Balthazar asks Death for control of the Crossroads.
was ready to pay Death’s price to save Niko. She was ready to be blind with no
memory of the boy she loves. Instead, she wakes up in a strange room, still
able to see and with Niko in a deep sleep. She agrees to work with Balthazar on
the condition: Death needs to wake Niko. But Arianne soon finds out that
helping the bad guy means having to do lots of bad things.
About the Author
“Did I really try to kiss you?”
almost missed a step at the sudden change of topic. “We’re back to that?”
thought I was with Niko,” she said.
take it the experience wasn’t pleasant? Nikolas can do that to people.”
sounds like you hate him for some reason. Why?”
it weren’t for the real curiosity in her eyes, Balthazar wouldn’t have answered
her question. “We do things we’re not proud of. Nikolas more than most.”
know him.”
statement with more truth in it than anything he could say. Everyone knew
Nickolas. A little too well for more than most. There lay the problem. Arianne
knew Nikolas as the teenage high school boy. Balthazar knew Nikolas as the take
no prisoners Reaper who occasionally did D’s dirty work. Nikolas could have
easily been third in the rankings, maybe even D’s right hand, but he maintained
his Reaper of Georgia
status to keep under the radar for the side missions he would be given. It
baffled Balthazar that Arianne didn’t seem to know this about Nikolas.
in love with him,” he responded.
I started high school.”
Entertaining love? From a human, no less. “And how’s that going for you?”
About the Author
When Kate Evangelista was told she
had a knack for writing stories, she did the next best thing: entered medical
school. After realizing she wasn't going to be the next Doogie Howser, M.D.,
Kate wandered into the Literature department of her university and never looked
back. Today, she is in possession of a piece of paper that says to the world
she owns a Literature degree. To make matters worse, she took Master's courses
in creative writing. In the end, she realized to be a writer, none of what she
had mattered. What really mattered? Writing. Plain and simple, honest to God,
sitting in front of her computer, writing. Today, she has four completed Young
Adult novels.
Author social media links:
Author`s Giveaway
· Swag Pack – US
International Giveaway
(1) eBook copy of Reaping
Me Soflty (Book, #1)
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