Ivy Entwined (A Somehing to Celebrate Novel) by Laura Simcox
When Ivy Callahan returns to her hometown as mayor, she doesn’t expect much to have changed. But now her ex-fiancé is the town planner, the biggest business is closed, and the only store interested in Celebration, NY is a Megamart. On top of it all, the liaison for the big, bad, box store is Marcus Weaver, her childhood crush. And he’s still as dangerously delectable as ever.
Marcus unwillingly spent his teens in Celebration with his vindictive, drunken uncle. As far as Marcus is concerned, the town’s only use is to cement his rise up the corporate ladder. He needs that Megamart opened, and Ivy is his ticket. But the sexy, stubborn mayor could also be his downfall.
As the unemployed townspeople put on the pressure, Ivy needs to do something. With a fresh downtown-renewal project in the works, Ivy could stop Marcus and his Megamart before they kill the town’s spirit. But with sparks flying between Ivy and Marcus, they each need to decide what’s more important: their careers or their hearts.
sâmbătă, 31 august 2013
Interview with Natalie Damschroder author of Goddesses Rising
1.Please, tell us your name, the city you are born and the books you write.
My name is Natalie J. Damschroder, I was born in South Ruislip, England, but came to the U.S. when I was 1 year old and lived in Massachusetts until I was 16. Now I live in Pennsylvania. I write romantic adventure and paranormal romance.
2. How did you become a writer?
My mom was a writer, and my teachers always told me I had a talent for writing. But I didn't like to do it until I decided to try writing a romance. And I never looked back! :)
3. Who inspired you to write?
Every author who ever got me lost in a book.
4. How old were you when you wrote the first book?
The first real book I ever wrote, I was 22 or 23 when I started and 25 when I finished. :)
5. Your favorite books?
I love so many different books I can't list any favorites. MJ Fredrick, Megan Hart, Misty Simon, Lisa Mondello, Cathy McDavid, and Tracy Madison are all favorites.
6. What inspired you to write Goddesses Rising?
I love writing paranormal romance because of the freedom it gives me, not having to stick to "real life." But I'm not a fan of vampires and shapeshifters, so I needed something new. Goddesses appealed to me right away!
7. A message for your fans?
Thanks so much to everyone who reads my books! I am especially thankful for those who take the time to review, whether or not the book appealed to you.
Thank you so much, Andreea, for the interview!
vineri, 30 august 2013
Borrowed from the library(2)
Si chiar daca am primit o groaza de carti tot mi-am mai imprumutat si de la biblioteca doua.Nu sunt normala.Este vorba despre:
Ca tot apare filmul.:)
My mail(5)
Am primit o groaza de carti luna acesta,insa majoritatea in format electronic.Nu conteaza ca tot bune de citit sunt.Dar gata cu vorbaria.Mai jos aveti imaginile cartilor primte.
Aceste doua carti le-am primit de la autoarea K A Perkins pentru recenzie.Una e a mea iar cealalta pentru concurs.Aici aveti postul cu concurs cu tot.
Aceste doua carti le-am primit de la autoarea K A Perkins pentru recenzie.Una e a mea iar cealalta pentru concurs.Aici aveti postul cu concurs cu tot.
Urmatoarele doua le-am primit tot pentru recenzie.Una pentru mine si una pentru concurs.In curand o sa aveti parte de el.
Iar ultima am primit-o in urma unui schimb.Am auzit atatea despre ea ca trebuia sa o am.
Ok si acum ebook-urile pe care le-am primit.
Aveti aici interviul cu autoarea.
Recenzie Magazinul de sinucideri
Intr-un viitor indepartat, in Orasul Religiilor Disparute, singura speranta de a evada din derizoriul cotidian este elegantul Magazin de sinucideri al familiei Tuvache. Aici se gasesc toate cele necesare unei sinucideri stilate, personalizate, teatrale, care sa faca cinste sinucigasului – pesti otravitori, decoruri si costume de harakiri, cocktailul letal al zilei, sarutul mortii.
Toti membrii familiei - care poarta numele unor sinucigasi celebri - impartasesc parerea ca viata e o mare deziluzie si ca trebuie curmata cat mai repede. Toti, in afara de mezinul Alan, care este de un optimism incurabil. Treptat, sumbrul Magazin de sinucideri tinde sa se transforme intr-un coltisor vesel si luminos. Iar comertul cu lipsa de speranta pare sa se duca de rapa...
,,Un exercitiu de umor negru extrem de reusit... O carte proaspata, dar erudita; lucida, dar optimista; satirica, dar revigoranta." Le Magazine Littéraire
My opinion:
Intr-un viitor indepartat, in Orasul Religiilor Disparute, singura speranta de a evada din derizoriul cotidian este elegantul Magazin de sinucideri al familiei Tuvache. Aici se gasesc toate cele necesare unei sinucideri stilate, personalizate, teatrale, care sa faca cinste sinucigasului – pesti otravitori, decoruri si costume de harakiri, cocktailul letal al zilei, sarutul mortii.
Toti membrii familiei - care poarta numele unor sinucigasi celebri - impartasesc parerea ca viata e o mare deziluzie si ca trebuie curmata cat mai repede. Toti, in afara de mezinul Alan, care este de un optimism incurabil. Treptat, sumbrul Magazin de sinucideri tinde sa se transforme intr-un coltisor vesel si luminos. Iar comertul cu lipsa de speranta pare sa se duca de rapa...
,,Un exercitiu de umor negru extrem de reusit... O carte proaspata, dar erudita; lucida, dar optimista; satirica, dar revigoranta." Le Magazine Littéraire
My opinion:
Am vazut
atat de multa lume care a citit acesta carte si am zis de ce sa nu o citesc si
eu.Recunosc ca nu am citit recenziile deloc.Vroiam sa fiu suprinsa.Si chiar am
fost.Ingrozita mai bine zis.
Deci totul
incepu intr-un viitor foarte indepartat,unde lumea nu mai este ceea ce a fost.E
plina de tristete,poluari si nefericire.Toata lumea vrea sa-si puna capat
zilelor,si unde poti sa faci asta?La magazinul de sinucideri.Ei au acolo tot ce
iti trebuie.De la sfoara,pietre,pana la otravuri.Ceea ce ma ingrozit este
usurinta cu care se vorbeste despre moarte mai bine zis de sinucidere.Inteleg
ca pana la urma tot murim,insa nha..
Insa totul
se schimba cand in casa celor doi Tuvache se naste al treilea copil in urama
unui experiment,daca ii sa zic asa.El este al treilea copil al familei.Toti
spera sa fie la fel ca si ceilalti doi,deprimati si cu dorinta de a muri cat
mai currant.Insa au o supriza.Pentru ca acest baiat rade,e dragut cu oameni din
Si se pare
ca pana la urma baiatul acesta reuseste sa schimbe lumea treptat treptat cu
veselia lui.Ma bucurat asa de mult cand am citit despre schimbare,topaiam in
casa de fericire.
Totul este
anapoda.Chiar nu ma astteptam la acest final.Eu una sunt fana a finalurilor
nefericite si indecise,insa asta m-a cutremurat din toate temeliile.In fine.pot
sa va spun ca este prima carte diferita diferita pe care am citit-o anul
acesta.Si ma bucura foarte mult.Cred ca nici eu intr-o mie de ani nu m-as fi
gandit la o asemenea poveste.Merita sa o cititi,mai ales ca e scurta.
Si mai
presus de toate s-a facut si film.Sunt curioasa cum e.Am sa ma uit cu siguranta
la el.
Pot sa spun
ca coperta mi-a placut enorm de mult,insa si acesta varianta e dragutza.Ce
parere aveti?
Cartea are 114 pagini,format 130x200,coperta brosata.O puteti comanda de pe site-ul editurii All.
Recenzie Heaven and Hellsbane
Heaven and Hellsbane (Hellsbane #2) by Paige Cuccaro
Emma Jane Hellsbane just unwittingly triggered a whole bunch of nephilim to come into their powers—and this new army has teamed up with Bariel, demon straight from Hell, who’s made it his mission to kill all the magisters on Earth. When they come after Eli, Emma and Officer Dan must work together to save him, but this makes Eli all the more tempted to Fall for Emma. And his fighting his feelings for her means Heaven has taken notice.
Now Emma isn’t just fighting off demons, rogue nephilim and Fallen angels, she’s defending her womanhood to the judgmental Seraphim angels, too, who want to separate Eli from Emma Jane. Can she protect Eli, Officer Dan, and find her rogue father? For Emma Jane, it’s all in a day’s work as Heaven’s ultimate bounty hunter.
My opinion:
Emma Jane Hellsbane just unwittingly triggered a whole bunch of nephilim to come into their powers—and this new army has teamed up with Bariel, demon straight from Hell, who’s made it his mission to kill all the magisters on Earth. When they come after Eli, Emma and Officer Dan must work together to save him, but this makes Eli all the more tempted to Fall for Emma. And his fighting his feelings for her means Heaven has taken notice.
Now Emma isn’t just fighting off demons, rogue nephilim and Fallen angels, she’s defending her womanhood to the judgmental Seraphim angels, too, who want to separate Eli from Emma Jane. Can she protect Eli, Officer Dan, and find her rogue father? For Emma Jane, it’s all in a day’s work as Heaven’s ultimate bounty hunter.
My opinion:
Este a
treia serie pe care o citesc despre ingeri.Bine,am citit doar volum doi din ea
pentru ca am primit-o in schimbul a unei recenzii.Am fost putin speriata la
inceput pentru ca nu am citit primul volum si nu am stiut nici la ce sa ma
astept de la aceasta carte.Insa mi-a placut enorm de mult.Mai ales ca am aflat
si unele lucruri din primul volum.Emma Jane este nephilim.Tatal ei a disparut
odata cu amintirea ei despre el.Nu isi dorea sa ceva insa pentru a scapa de
povara asta(nephilimi au datoria de a ucide ingerii gazuti)trebuie sa-si omoare
tatal.Insa pentru aceea trebuie sa-l gasesca.
incepe cand intr-o seara,unde Emma lua cina cu Dan,ofiterul de politie si
iubitul ei(si chiar nephilim,insa putearea lui nu a fost trezita,care se face
cu ajutorul unei sabi).Insa cine le este intrerupta de catre Eli,magisterul lui
Emma si tot odata baiatul de care este indragostita.
Ceva rau
s-a intamplat.Magisterii sunt ucisii iar sabiile lor sunt furate.De catre
cine?Nici ei nu stiu.Insa cand Emma afla va avea un soc.Este o persoana pe care
o cauta si nu credea ca o s-o gaseasca in mislocul acestei nebunii.
Cartea asta
are de toate:umor,actiune si mai ales dragoste.Chimia dintre Emma Si Eli nu
poate fi ascunsa,insa trebuie.Iubirea lor are un pret.Daca vor merge mai
departe risca ca Eli sa devina si el inger cazut.Iar asta nu se poate intampla
insa se pare ca celor doi nu prea le mai pasa decat de dragostea lor.
Finalul ma
nedumerit putin,insa asta imi arata ca o sa mai fie si al trilea volum ceea ce
ma incanta super tare.Recomand cartea aceasta tututor.Chiar merita citita.
Prima carte din serie:
Recomandarea zilei(24)
Hourglass (Hourglass #1) by Myra McEntire
One hour to rewrite the past . . .
For seventeen-year-old Emerson Cole, life is about seeing what isn't there: swooning Southern Belles; soldiers long forgotten; a haunting jazz trio that vanishes in an instant. Plagued by phantoms since her parents' death, she just wants the apparitions to stop so she can be normal. She's tried everything, but the visions keep coming back.
So when her well-meaning brother brings in a consultant from a secretive organization called the Hourglass, Emerson's willing to try one last cure. But meeting Michael Weaver may not only change her future, it may also change her past.
Who is this dark, mysterious, sympathetic guy, barely older than Emerson herself, who seems to believe every crazy word she says? Why does an electric charge seem to run through the room whenever he's around? And why is he so insistent that he needs her help to prevent a death that never should've happened?
One hour to rewrite the past . . .
For seventeen-year-old Emerson Cole, life is about seeing what isn't there: swooning Southern Belles; soldiers long forgotten; a haunting jazz trio that vanishes in an instant. Plagued by phantoms since her parents' death, she just wants the apparitions to stop so she can be normal. She's tried everything, but the visions keep coming back.
So when her well-meaning brother brings in a consultant from a secretive organization called the Hourglass, Emerson's willing to try one last cure. But meeting Michael Weaver may not only change her future, it may also change her past.
Who is this dark, mysterious, sympathetic guy, barely older than Emerson herself, who seems to believe every crazy word she says? Why does an electric charge seem to run through the room whenever he's around? And why is he so insistent that he needs her help to prevent a death that never should've happened?
*58-Iulia Andreea
Te rog sa-mi trimiti un email(just_fluffy94deea@yahoo.com) pentru a-ti putea trimite ebook.
Te rog sa-mi trimiti un email(just_fluffy94deea@yahoo.com) pentru a-ti putea trimite ebook.
joi, 29 august 2013
Imi pare foarte rau pentru ca nu am anuntat mai repede castigatori dar am fost plecata la tara.
Primul /pachet l-a castigat:
Paun Catalina Cezarina
Iar pachetul 2:
Felicitari castigatoarelor.Astept un comentariu cu emilul vostru pentru a va putea trimite premiile.Imi pare rau ca nu s-a incris mai multa lume,insa nu uitati de celelalte concursuri de pe blog.
Primul /pachet l-a castigat:
Paun Catalina Cezarina
Iar pachetul 2:
Felicitari castigatoarelor.Astept un comentariu cu emilul vostru pentru a va putea trimite premiile.Imi pare rau ca nu s-a incris mai multa lume,insa nu uitati de celelalte concursuri de pe blog.
Cover Reveal:Breaking the Rules by L.K. Lewis
Title: Breaking the Rules
Author: LK Lewis
date: September
17, 2013
Group: New
Genre: Contemporary Romance
designed by: Cover It! Designs
reveal organized by: AToMR Tours;
Morgan Lane has just completed
grad school, and has accepted a job at Baylor Industries with the help of her
father, who just so happens to be golf buddies with Drake Baylor Sr., CEO. Morgan has lived her 24 years of life under
her parents thumbs, and is more than eager to start living life and carving
successful career for herself.
Drake Baylor Jr. is being groomed
to take over as CEO of Baylor Industries upon his father’s retirement. Although he was raised in an affluent
household, his formative years were rough, leading to a string of bad
decisions, and hard lived years. In
order to take over as CEO, his father has given him a set of rules to live by
for an indefinite period of time: No drugs, limited alcohol consumption, and
absolutely no relationships whatsoever with women-his greatest weakness. If Drake can abstain from those three things,
work hard, and gain his father’s trust, he can have the keys to the Kingdome. Drake
meets Morgan on her first day at Baylor Industries, and the phrase “love at
first sight” doesn’t even come close to describing what is felt between
them. Their instant attraction is a
magnetic pull that is stronger than either one of them can handle. Now Drake and Morgan are faced with figuring
out how to fight for their future together, hoping not to get caught “Breaking
the Rules”.
About the
LK Lewis lives in Northern Michigan with her Husband and 2 year old son.
Born and raised in Michigan , LK spent her early twenties chasing the man of
her dreams (now husband of 8 years) around the country, residing in both New York , and Portland ,
Oregon . While living in Portland ,
LK attended East West College
of the Healing Arts, and is now a Massage Therapist, Makeup Artist, and Spa
When LK isn’t working, writing, or
chasing her son around, she enjoys boat days, playing in the sunshine, and
giggling with her husband. You may also
find her on twitter most days, especially live tweeting when The
Bachelor/Bachelorette or The Walking Dead is on. Check her out, you may enjoy her colorful
Twitter: @lklewisauthor; https://twitter.com/lklewisauthor
marți, 27 august 2013
Recomandarea zilei(23)
The Torturer's Daughter (Internal Defense #1)
by Zoe Cannon
When her best friend Heather calls in the middle of the night, Becca assumes it's the usual drama. Wrong. Heather's parents have been arrested as dissidents - and Becca's mother, the dystopian regime's most infamous torturer, has already executed them for their crimes against the state.
To stop Heather from getting herself killed trying to prove her parents' innocence, Becca hunts for proof of their guilt. She doesn't expect to find evidence that leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about the dissidents... and about her mother.
When she risks her life to save a dissident, she learns her mother isn't the only one with secrets - and the plot she uncovers will threaten the lives of the people she loves most. For Becca, it's no longer just a choice between risking execution and ignoring the regime's crimes; she has to decide whose life to save and whose to sacrifice.
It's easy to be a hero when you can save the world, but what about when all you can do is choose how you live in it? THE TORTURER'S DAUGHTER is a story about ordinary teenage life amidst the realities of living under an oppressive regime... and the extraordinary courage it takes to do what's right in a world gone wrong.
by Zoe Cannon
When her best friend Heather calls in the middle of the night, Becca assumes it's the usual drama. Wrong. Heather's parents have been arrested as dissidents - and Becca's mother, the dystopian regime's most infamous torturer, has already executed them for their crimes against the state.
To stop Heather from getting herself killed trying to prove her parents' innocence, Becca hunts for proof of their guilt. She doesn't expect to find evidence that leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about the dissidents... and about her mother.
When she risks her life to save a dissident, she learns her mother isn't the only one with secrets - and the plot she uncovers will threaten the lives of the people she loves most. For Becca, it's no longer just a choice between risking execution and ignoring the regime's crimes; she has to decide whose life to save and whose to sacrifice.
It's easy to be a hero when you can save the world, but what about when all you can do is choose how you live in it? THE TORTURER'S DAUGHTER is a story about ordinary teenage life amidst the realities of living under an oppressive regime... and the extraordinary courage it takes to do what's right in a world gone wrong.
Girl on Tour Release Event
Title: Girl on Tour: Kylie Ryans #2
Author: Caisey Quinn
Release date: August 27, 2013
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Event organized by: AToMR Tours; http://atomrbookblogtours.com
Links to the book:
Book Description:
An up and comer trying to make a name
for herself...
never expected to be stuck on a tour bus with a pampered princess and her
boyfriend’s ex.
A troubled artist struggling to hold
onto his career...
thought he was finally getting to do things his way. Until the label added
co-headliner Gretchen Gibson, the only person in country music with more issues
than him, to his No Apologies tour.
by tabloid rumors and people they can't trust, Kylie and Trace need each other
more than ever. But the choices they make will change everything.
chasing your dreams and following your heart don’t always lead you to the same
the Author
Caisey Quinn lives in Birmingham , Alabama
with her husband, daughter, and other assorted animals. She is the author of
several New Adult Romance novels featuring country girls finding love in
unexpected places. She is currently working on Girl in Love, the third and final book in the Kylie Ryans series.
You can find her online at www.caiseyquinnwrites.com.
Buy Link:
Buy Link:
Author social media links:
Website - http://caiseyquinnwrites.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCaiseyQuinn
Twitter – https://twitter.com/CaiseyQuinn
Event Giveaway:
Signed Paperbacks of Girl On Tour - US/Canada
Ryans VIP Swag Prize Pack - US/Canada
iTunes Gift Card - International
(2) eBook
Copies of Girl On Tour - International
US Giveaway
Giveaway Rafflecopter
yourself while I’m gone, Mr. Corbin,” she said, playfully smacking him square
in the chest even though she was completely serious. Please don’t drink, she almost added. But she’d seen the dark cloud
that had threatened to roll over his features when she asked if he’d be okay.
try. Long as you promise to come back to me safe and sound, pretty girl,” he
said, slapping her on the ass as she turned to make her way up the steps of the
She threw him one last wink before climbing the steps. A lady that looked old
enough to be her grandmother sat in the driver’s seat staring straight ahead.
Kylie greeted her and got nothing but a slight head tilt in response. She
missed Carl, Trace’s friendly driver, already. Every step she took was like
walking deeper into quicksand. Her legs seemed to be completely against the
idea of walking away from Trace
eyes began to tear up and she couldn’t even see the cool décor inside the bus
through the pools of moisture. Screw this.
She dumped her suitcase in the aisle and sprinted back to the door of the bus.
she called out to his retreating figure. Dang, he looked good from the back. Hate to see you go but I love to watch you
yourself,” he answered as he turned to face her.
didn’t think. Didn’t worry that she might be getting in too deep, moving too
fast, or throwing more at him than he could handle. She just did what she was
best at. Felt first. Acted on impulse. Once he was close enough, she launched
herself into his arms and slammed her mouth down on his.
caught her, just like she knew he would. His hands gripped her tightly as she
wrapped her legs around his waist. His mouth said he was just as hungry for her
as she was for him. She deepened the kiss as far as possible, lashing her
tongue against his until it ached. When the world began to spin, either because
she was falling hopelessly in love or because her brain was seriously deprived
of oxygen, she finally pulled back.
she looked him in the eyes. “I’m going to miss you more than I can even stand.
I needed a better goodbye than that.”
didn’t disappoint. He backed her against the side of the bus, still holding her
to him in mid-air. Her mind flashed to their escapade in the barn earlier and
she felt the warmth spreading through her core. He ravished her mouth before
she could even smile at the memory. When neither of them could take any more,
he set her down gently and pulled her in close against his chest. “I’m going to
miss you, too, Kylie Lou. So damn much.”
luni, 26 august 2013
Release Event Recklessly by A.J. Sand
Title: Recklessly
Author: A.J. Sand
Release date: August 28th,
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Mature New Adult/Adult
Event organized by: AToMR Tours; http://atomrbookblogtours.com
Book Description:
Wes Elliott just met his
match…and she might actually burn his entire world down.
Surfing and sex. This is Wes Elliott's life. And it's just the way he likes it. `
After seeing his parents stay in a loveless marriage his entire life, and burying away a heartbreak from his past, he knows where romance is best left: crappy chick movies. He'd rather lust and eventually leave, and that's exactly what the plan was when he met Lana Langston.
Surfing and sex. This is Wes Elliott's life. And it's just the way he likes it. `
After seeing his parents stay in a loveless marriage his entire life, and burying away a heartbreak from his past, he knows where romance is best left: crappy chick movies. He'd rather lust and eventually leave, and that's exactly what the plan was when he met Lana Langston.
Except…turns out she’s only in it for the thrills, too. She's always only in it for the thrills: life in the literal fast lane on her motorcycle, and the hot nights in forbidden places without the awkward talks in the mornings after. She's Wes Elliott in way tighter jeans.
So, this should be perfect, right?
But the more time Wes spends with her, the more he wants the nights to turn into mornings. And maybe even longer. Suddenly, it isn't so perfect for him anymore.
And the things he thought were buried are digging themselves up.
Now Wes is in a lot of trouble.
He’s falling in love with the one girl who might be a bigger risk than even a guy who gets barreled by the most dangerous waves in the world is willing to take on.
Can Wes and Lana figure out a way to make it work? Or is he headed for something far more reckless?
Due to the sexual content,
language and violence, this work is not recommended for readers under 18.
About the Author
A.J. Sand
grew up an only child whose parents bought her many, many books to keep her
busy, so it was only natural that she would start writing her own stories. She
is the author of “Documentary,” “Remake” and “Recklessly.” She lives just
outside of Washington , D.C.
Author social media links:
@ajajajsand; https://twitter.com/ajajajsand
Event Giveaway:
(1) $20 Gift Card from Amazon or Barnes and Noble + (1) eCopy
of Recklessly gifted from Amazon or
Barnes and Noble - International
(3) eCopies of Recklessly
gifted from Amazon or Barnes and Noble – International
She kept a tiny smile on
her face as her gaze wandered over the length of his frame, but she paused in
specific areas: his eyes, his chest and his mid-section. Wes loved that she was
checking him out, and doing it so openly. No doubt, it excited him and he
gladly let her indulge; he had nothing to be insecure about. The cordial
sibling rivalry between him and Abel kept him in the gym at least four days a
week, women seemed to dig his tattoo sleeve, and his looking like the
stereotypical tall, blond surfer didn’t hurt, either. He let Abel have the
longer hair though, opting to keep his short but enough to still let women run
their fingers through.
“What are you
doing tonight?” she asked.
Wes grinned. He
really liked how forward she was. “My brother and I are going up to Malibu . Waves are better
than usual.”
“You surf?” Lana reached down to fiddle with something on
her bike, and Wes tilted his head to stare at her butt again. She had her phone
in her hands once she was upright again, so he pulled his out. She recited her
phone number, and he called it so that she could have his, too.
“Yeah, we both surf. Professionally.”
Covet August Release Day
.jpg)
Covets have all the sexiness, emotion, and happily ever after that readers have come to expect and love from Entangled. They are firmly grounded in the contemporary world, but each novel brings in supernatural twists, breaking the contemporary and paranormal rules, alike. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books you’ll be coveting next, visit here,follow them on twitter and LIKE their on Facebook.
Today I'm happy to be featuring Covet's August releases!!
The Awakening Book 2
Paranormal Romance
Covet, Entangled Publishing
Date of
Publication: 8/26/13
of pages: 206
Book Description:
When Ava Michaels is taken captive, she’s thrust
into a dark and terrifying world along with the man she was forced to leave
behind. While being near Liam again is heartbreaking, the motive behind her
kidnapping is gradually revealed. The more she learns, the more she worries
Liam isn’t the man she believed him to be. He has enemies willing to do
anything to extract their revenge. Can their love survive a crazy man’s
About the Author:
since Abby Niles picked up her first Sweet Valley High book in sixth grade and
fell in love with Elizabeth and Todd, she’s been hooked on romance. By the time
she reached high school, she was devouring meatier romances with pirates,
cowboys and knights. She never imagined that those years of reading would one
day lead to her becoming a published author.
In her
late twenties, after having twins and becoming a stay-at-home mom, she started
doodling stories to keep her sanity. Next thing she knew, she was actually
submitting to publishing houses. And was immediately rejected. That didn’t stop
her though. She found herself some kickass critique partners, honed her craft,
and continued submitting.
eventually sold a short story, then a novella, then a novel, and now a series.
she juggles work, home life, and writing. It’s not always easy, but hey, who
said life was easy?
In her
downtime, which isn’t often, you can find her playing ‘Just Dance’ with her
kids or trying to catch up on her never-ending to-be-read list. She also loves
Zumba, and refuses to admit she looks more like Animal doing his Muppet flail
than a sensual Latin dancer.
Website: http://www.abbynilesauthor.com/
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Hearts of the Fallen Book 2
Kendra Leigh Castle
Paranormal Romance
Covet - Entangled Publishing
Date of
Publication: 8/26/13
of pages: 225
Artist: Fiona Jade
Amazon Goodreads BN Itunes Kobo
Book Description:
as dark and dangerous as the storms he once commanded…and she can’t get him out
of her heart.
Dru has
spent two thousand years fighting to keep the people of Terra Noctem safe. In
all that time, she's only opened her heart to one man, with disastrous results.
But when her city takes in a group of renegade Fallen, she finds herself drawn
to the brooding and tormented Meresin, despite the fact that he seems to be the
least redeemable of them all. When his instability hits a breaking point,
Meresin’s only chance at survival is a perilous journey into a place from which
few ever return. What he never expected was that confronting his demons would
mean risking not only his future, but Dru's as well...and that one stubborn
vampire might give him back not just hope…but his heart.
will be live on the book's page after release August 26
About the Author:
Kendra Leigh Castle was born and
raised in the far and frozen reaches of Northern New York, where there was
plenty of time to cultivate her love of reading thanks to the six-month-long
winters. Sneaking off with selections from her mother’s vast collection
of romance novels came naturally and fairly early, and a lifelong love of the
Happily Ever After was born. After graduating from SUNY Oswego (where it
also snowed a lot) with a teaching degree, Kendra ran off with a handsome young
Navy fighter pilot and has somehow accumulated three children, three dogs, and
one enormous cat during their many moves.
via email or her Facebook page.
Website: http://www.kendraleighcastle.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KendraLCastle
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/KendraLeighCastle
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/kendralcastle/
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