vineri, 29 iulie 2016

Release Blitz

STORM WRATH by Brandy L Rivers
Series: Others of Seattle book 6
Genre: Paranormal Romance

A storm is coming to wipe out an ancient vendetta. One look and Kellan Storm was captivated by Zoe. He found his mate, but an ancient curse stands in their way.

After a long and bitter relationship, Zoe Boreas never expected to find love. Kellan swept in like a storm and claimed her heart. Neither of them realize how deep the curse on her people runs.

When she learns the truth, she’ll sacrifice everything to save him while searching for an answer. When Kellan realizes she’s gone, he’ll stop at nothing to find and keep her by his side.



Brandy L Rivers is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Her two main series are Others of Edenton and Others of Seattle. She has also written a couple contemporary stories. An avid reader, Brandy has always loved writing. She became serious about it as a stay-at-home-mother. Her secret lair, guarded by a pint-sized pound puppy who imagines himself a hellhound, contains a file full of manuscripts she plans to edit and put out with new creations she is constantly dreaming up. Living in rainy Western Washington with her husband and three kids, Brandy is already working on future stories in each of the series, and several other projects. 

– social media links – 

marți, 26 iulie 2016

Nou la Editura Trei

Cami are un iubit obsedat de muncă și care o cam neglijează. Deși Cami încearcă să facă să funcţioneze această relație la distanţă, se pare că nu e atât de ușor...
Brusc, în viața ei apare Trent Maddox, un fost coleg de liceu. Trent, cel cu brațele tatuate. Trent, după care toate fetele sunt topite.
Cami și-a jurat că nu va fi niciodată pe lista lui. Crede că n-o poate păcăli cu tertipurile sale.
Dar băiatul care fură inimi e hotărât s-o facă să se îndrăgostească nebunește de el…

„O lectură apetisantă de vară, perfectă pentru jocul de-a seducția." - USA Today

„ Jamie McGuire scrie cu plăcere și lejeritate, iar fanii genului romance vor adora pur și simplu revărsarea de emoții pure. Povestea lui Cami și Trent e irezistibilă." - Romantic Times

„Dar sunt sigură că dacă ai ști toată povestea, Trenton, ai fugi de lângă mine și nu te-ai mai uita înapoi.
Nu vreau toată povestea. Te vreau doar pe tine."

Jamie McGuire a fost crescută de mama ei în Blackwell, unde a absolvit liceul în 1997. A urmat Northern Oklahoma College, University of Central Oklahoma și Autry Technology Center, pe care l-a absolvit cu o diplomă în radiologie. Jamie locuiește în Enid, Oklahoma, cu soțul său și cei trei copii ai lor. 
Debutul ei literar l-a reprezentat Providence, o trilogie care îmbină tema dragostei cu fenomenele paranormale. Printre cărțile de mare succes care au urmat se numără Beautiful Disaster (Fericirea începe azi, Editura Trei, 2013) și Walking Disaster (Fericirea mea ești tu, Editura Trei, 2013), cărți ce au devenit fenomene ale pieței de carte, înregistrând vânzări fabuloase.

Recenzie Sânge Satanic de Cristina Nemerovschi

Ascult black metal, sunt ateu, lumea mă crede satanist, sunt bisexual, mizantrop, uneori doar misogin, scriu o carte, beau în fiecare zi şi mă droghez în fiecare săptămână.
Mizantropie, droguri, moarte, wild parties, ură, cimitire, incest, alcool, popi, boală, metal, rockotecă, sex cu părinții, depresie, umor negru, sado-masochism, izolare, crimă, animale ciudate care îți apar în somn…
Ce gust au experiențele unui nihilist din 2010? Dacă nu vă este teamă de introspecții nemiloase, pășiți cu încredere în lumea întunecată din Sânge satanic. Veți avea noroc și veți găsi calea de întoarcere, sau…?
”Un roman cu umor nebun!” 
- Emil Brumaru
“Mi-a plăcut cel mai mult verva romanului, atribut esențial al unui debut literar memorabil.” 
 - Mircea Cărtărescu
“Sânge satanic e o carte excepțional scrisă, care nu seamănă cu nimic!” 
 - Doina Ruști
“Cristina Nemerovschi este un Caragiale al zilelor noastre.” 
 - Felix Nicolau

Favorite quotes:
„Dacă într-o dimineață, mult prea mahmură, nu ai fi în stare să te trezești la ora obișnuită, lumea ar rămâne într-o noapte fără sfârșit, răsuflările ar împietri, câinii s-ar opri printre mașini, adormiți, iar soarele ar pica în apa mării și s-ar îneca.”

„Haosul care suntem noi reîncepe cu fiecare azi.”

And you shall fall.”

„in vain you were born, in vain you will die”

„Vreau să știu cine aș fi eu, fără R. Vreau să știu care este mirosul meu.”

„Dar așa sunt toate lucrurile la lumina zilei, când le vezi adevărata înfățișare. Noaptea le dă o altă dimensiune, le face mai adânci, mai puțin terestre.”

„Diavolul este o definiție a ceva ce nu poate fi tradus altfel.”

„Cele mai profunde lucruri din lume nu le poți găsi decât în tine.”

„și nu vreau să te întorci
ci vreau să nu fi plecat niciodată...”

My opinion:

Sângeroasă, perversă, verde-în-față, satanică și în același timp veridică, dădătoare de simțuri și stări...trăibilă. Cu siguranță, la prima vedere, Sânge satanic nu reprezintă tocmai lectura voastră preferată sau chiar informativă. Însă cartea asta reprezintă acea parte de planetă ca își bagă ceva în gureia alora care doar știu să deschidă gură în momentul în care au o remarcă „filozofică” la adresa neadaptaților.

Sângele satanic are menirea de a ne prezenta societatea așa cum a fost văzut în momentul scrierii ei, și care, din păcate, e la fel și azi. Acea societate plină de imbecilism dus la cote extreme și considerat deșteptăciunea dată de la Dumnezeu, în care pătura joasă a acelor care doresc a-și trăi viața este condamnată și menită a fi răstignită. Nu e un roman care vrea să îți schimbe perspectiva ta asupra lumii și a oamenilor din jurul tău. Nu e un roman care să îți prezinte o poveste din care trebuie să tragi niște foloase și care să devina inspirația ta de viață și chiar mai mult să îți altereze personalitatea. Nu ăsta e scopul Sângelui satanic. El e aici să îți ofere lumea în care trăiești. Fără filtre, fără minciuni, fără alterări. Romanul nu vrea să te schimbe. Vrea să îți deschid ochii și îți arate prin trăirile de zi cu zi a personajului că viața trebuie trăită.
Cartea asta a reușit să mă scoată din zona mea de confort în ceea ce privește cititul și o iubesc pentru asta pentru că mi-a arătat că de fapt nu cunosc societatea asta chiar deloc. Sau poate, de fiecare data când deschid un roman și dau de o poveste „siropoasă” am tendința de a uita lucrul ăsta. Dar romanul Cristinei Nemervoschi mi-a adus aminte în ce univers trăiesc; cel în care la tot pasul vor exista etichete, primite și date. Iar stilul pur filosofic al autoarei m-a făcut, să încerc să devin o piază rea pentru societate. Pentru că asta presupune, până la urmă, să trăiesc împăcată cu mine, fără nici o mască atașată în permanență cropului meu.
Dacă vreți o poveste inspirațională pe care să o duceți mai departe cu voi în lumea asta, dacă nu sunteți dispuși să renunțați la prejudecăți și etichete, nu citiți carte. Nu merită să o stricați. Merită să îi distrugeți paginile doar dacă vreți să învățați să trăiți în sincronie cu surâsul sufletului vostru.

Cartea are 316, copertă paperback și o puteti comanda de pe site-ul Editurii Herg Benet. Această carte face parte din colaborarea blogului cu editura, mulțumind din suflet celor de la Herg Benet pentru că au ales blogul nostru și ne-au trimis această minunăție de carte. :)

Release Blitz

Series: Willow Bay Stables #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance

Owen Daniels lives his life eight seconds at a time. The thrill of anticipation that comes with sitting on twelve hundred pounds of untamed power is unparalleled. The adrenaline rush that floods his system when the chute opens is one of life’s most unique and natural highs.

Ride eight seconds bareback on a bucking bronco—that’s his life.

When Owen’s stock horse, Remington’s Lady, is injured midway through the rodeo circuit, he trailers her back home to Willow Bay, Alberta, to remain in the care of the local vet, Ray Brookes.

Months later, with a truck bed full of buckles, Owen comes home to collect his Lady from the man he trusted to help her recover. Only Ray happens to be short for Rayne, and Rayne happens to be a woman.

And this woman wants nothing to do with a cowboy fresh off the circuit. As far as she’s concerned, he can take his buckles, boots, and spurs right back on out of her life.

Will Rayne keep them from holding on to their eight-second ride? Or will love buck out of the chute in time for a perfect score?


Want to read CHANGE REIN, Book #1 for FREE? Click below to claim your copy!
Copies are available until August 8th! 

Change Rein, Book 1:  

Eight-Second Ride, Book 2:
Rein In, Book 3: Releasing this October!

Chasing Rhodes, Book 1: >> FREE!
Choosing Henley, Book 2:
Breaking Bennett, Book 3:
Keeping King, Book 4:


Hey y’all, 
I was born and raised in Ladner, a small farm town just outside Vancouver, Canada. I grew up riding horses, shooting guns, and driving in trucks. 

I never expected to be an author. A massage therapist? Yes. Take over the family construction company? Yes. But an author? No. Writing was something that snuck up on me and rooted itself into my life. It was beautiful to discover that love, and I’m truly grateful to say I’ve found my passion. 

Since I’ve always been a creative person, it feels amazing to harness all of that energy and use it to tell a story I love. I enjoy incorporating bits of my real life into the stories I write. What parts are true? Hah. I’ll never tell—what would be the fun in that? 

If I could leave y’all with one thing, it’s that life’s far too short to not live it out loud. Drown in your passions, hold on tight to the things that inspire you, and chase your dreams relentlessly. I can promise you without a doubt that you won’t regret it. I know I don’t. 

Mad love, 
Anne Jolin 

Blog Tour

A Shawn Angel Mystery Book 1

luni, 25 iulie 2016

Cover Reveal

1 woman. 2 men. Who will she choose?

Ophelia isn’t your normal twenty-four-year-old woman. She’s in love with two men, who have absolutely no idea about one another.

With Matt, he’s an untamed animal in the bed. He keeps Ophelia on her toes. He’s adventurous and wealthy and romantic.

With Luke, he’s more lovable and secure. He’s a Texas boy at heart and a man who makes love to Ophelia like she’s the only woman in the world for him.

2 incredible men. 2 men who love her. 2 men she loves. Which one is her forever?

Release Blitz

by New York Times Bestselling Author, Kat Shehata
Series: Russian Tattoos Trilogy #2
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Tagline: The Russian mafia plays for keeps.
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Publisher: Limitless Publishing

American tennis player Carter Cook is being held prisoner by the Russian mafia...

Carter is the obsession of mob boss Vladimir Ivanov, a man she once loved. Now a mafia war has erupted on his home turf, and Vladimir’s enemies have put a bounty on her head to force him to surrender. If she is captured, his rivals will deliver a deadly ultimatum—his life in exchange for hers. The price for Carter’s freedom is Vladimir’s blood.

Vladimir holds ultimate power as godfather of the Ivanov Bratva…

He spent five years in a Siberian prison camp and has earned every tattoo inked into his skin. He is a powerful man who rules his crew with an iron fist.

But his enemies have discovered his only weakness—Carter. Vladimir knows if she stays in his world, he is handing her a death sentence, so he vows to get her home and never interfere in her life again. Giving up the woman he loves is the only way to protect her from the bad guys—including himself.

Vladimir’s rivals have a different plan for the ill-fated couple…
Some punishments are worse than death, and the head of the Ovechkin Bratva will go to any length to seek vengeance and inflict maximum suffering on Vladimir.

Carter may be Vladimir’s weakness, but she is also his only hope for survival. When the boss of the Ovechkin family threatens the man she loves, she must fight for Vladimir’s freedom before their rivals can deliver the fatal blow.

Love is blind—but it could also be deadly.

Sign up for Kat Shehata's Newsletter below!


Russian Tattoos: Obsession, Book #1

Kat Shehata’s first career involved caring for exotic, dangerous, and adorable animals as a zookeeper. As an author, Kat weaves her love of animals into her work. She is the co-author of the New York Times bestselling children’s book Animals on the Other Side written with Sylvia Browne.

She is also a competitive tennis player and spends her free time playing matches in a recreational league. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, three kids, and an enthusiastic poodle-mix. She holds a bachelor’s degree in theatre from Wilmington College, a professional writing certificate from the University of Cincinnati, and a master’s degree in creative writing from Spalding University.

Release Blitz

by USA TODAY Bestselling Author HJ Bellus, and Magan Vernon
Genre: Romantic Comedy
— SYNOPSIS —Shit gets real when four long lost classmates reunite in their hometown and find themselves on the soccer field as moms.

Old tensions flare up as all the moms are forced to play nice in front of their kids, coaches, and other parents. But these moms are anything but nice. Cut-throat, vindictive, and spiteful color these ladies...

They’re not above sucking a little dick to get ahead in life or chugging a bottle of wine to get through one more damn soccer tournament.

One thing they all have in common?

Nobody or no one screws with their kids! And when that happens the fur, bling, and bleach blonde hair flies.

Is Beaver Falls going to be able to handle the heat these “Soccer Moms” kick up?


Sign up for the authors' newsletters and stay up-to-date on all their bookish news!
Magan Vernon

Magan Vernon has been living off of reader tears since she wrote her first short story in 2004. She now spends her time killing off fictional characters, pretending to plot while she really just watches Netflix, and she tries to do this all while her two young children run amok around her Texas ranch.

HJ Bellus is a small town girl who loves the art of storytelling. When not making readers laugh or cry, she's a part-time livestock wrangler that can be found in the middle of Idaho, shot gunning a beer while listening to some Miranda Lambert on her Beats and rocking out in her boots.

Blog Tour

A Picture Perfect Novel


Traci Hayden

vineri, 22 iulie 2016

Teen Wolf Trailer Season 6

Cover Reveal

by New York Times Bestselling Author, Kat Shehata
Series: Russian Tattoos Trilogy #2
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Tagline: The Russian mafia plays for keeps.
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Publisher: Limitless Publishing

American tennis player Carter Cook is being held prisoner by the Russian mafia...

Carter is the obsession of mob boss Vladimir Ivanov, a man she once loved. Now a mafia war has erupted on his home turf, and Vladimir’s enemies have put a bounty on her head to force him to surrender. If she is captured, his rivals will deliver a deadly ultimatum—his life in exchange for hers. The price for Carter’s freedom is Vladimir’s blood.

Vladimir holds ultimate power as godfather of the Ivanov Bratva…

He spent five years in a Siberian prison camp and has earned every tattoo inked into his skin. He is a powerful man who rules his crew with an iron fist.

But his enemies have discovered his only weakness—Carter. Vladimir knows if she stays in his world, he is handing her a death sentence, so he vows to get her home and never interfere in her life again. Giving up the woman he loves is the only way to protect her from the bad guys—including himself.

Vladimir’s rivals have a different plan for the ill-fated couple…
Some punishments are worse than death, and the head of the Ovechkin Bratva will go to any length to seek vengeance and inflict maximum suffering on Vladimir.

Carter may be Vladimir’s weakness, but she is also his only hope for survival. When the boss of the Ovechkin family threatens the man she loves, she must fight for Vladimir’s freedom before their rivals can deliver the fatal blow.

Love is blind—but it could also be deadly.


Support the THUNDERCLAP CAMPAIGN for Russian Tattoos: Obsession!

Sign up for Kat Shehata's Newsletter below!


Russian Tattoos: Obsession, Book #1

Kat Shehata’s first career involved caring for exotic, dangerous, and adorable animals as a zookeeper. As an author, Kat weaves her love of animals into her work. She is the co-author of the New York Times bestselling children’s book Animals on the Other Side written with Sylvia Browne.

She is also a competitive tennis player and spends her free time playing matches in a recreational league. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, three kids, and an enthusiastic poodle-mix. She holds a bachelor’s degree in theatre from Wilmington College, a professional writing certificate from the University of Cincinnati, and a master’s degree in creative writing from Spalding University.

Cover Reveal

CIRQUE by Ashleigh Giannoccaro
Release Date: September 15, 2016
A boy looked in a window, to see a naughty show
Through the pane of pain, the master clown did blow
The circus is a holy tent, the keeper of my rhyme
Where I forged my chains, creating this pantomime
Pretending to be normal, I wait until after dark
Then I paint the frown on, get a whore from the park
At the bottom of that bed was a darling in a chest
She watched with big eyes, horror hooking her from rest
She dances for the maniac, twirling on her strings
I will make her mine, sharing damaged things
I will be her riddle, she will help me grin
So why does she run away, she has to let me in
No one loves the clown, not even the midget
We’ve gone too far, she will know my secret
Love can break the hardest mask, I know this to be true
Nightmares have hearts too, I only needed you

Cover Photo by Camilo Alvarez 
Cover Design by Gemma Poppet Rice

I live in South Africa with my husband, two daughters, five dogs, two meerkats and a parrot. I love to read and my kindle(s) are my favourite gadget. I am a coffee addict and I hate purple sweets. I love to write next to an open window. 

I am inspired by everything around me and I love to people watch wherever I go.

Blog Tour



Lynette Sofras

Release Blitz

Book 4 of the Sage Seed Chronicles


Holly Barbo

Release Blitz

LEGAL by Bree Dahlia
Genre: Romantic Comedy

Release Date: July 20, 2016

Taboo. Wrong. Off limits.
I know the drill. I know the rules.
But damn, if he doesn’t get under my skin.
And into my bed.

There’s no reason for a woman like me,
Successful, established, independent,
To ever be sleeping with a younger man.
A younger man with a hard, rugged, sculptured body.
A body that can go all night.
All night.

I can’t resist, can’t turn him down.
Can’t walk away.
Because I’ve never known pleasure like this.
Chase Nolan walked into my life and disrupted my perfect little world.
And made it so much better.

Enjoy it while you can, Jillian.
Because there’s no way there’s a future for us.
After all, is he barely even legal?


Join Bree Dahlia's Newsletter and get notified of all her new releases! 
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Bree Dahlia is an unconventional romance junkie. She loves reading it but adores writing it even more. Her stories range from lighthearted to sizzling with that satisfying Happily Ever After ending and a touch of the unexpected. She favors themes of friendship, forgiveness, and unconditional love with alpha characters and eccentric tastes.

She holds degrees that she does nothing with and has experienced a long string of jobs that have left her unfulfilled. Only as an author, has she truly found her passion. When not crafting stories in her small Wisconsin town, she hikes unbeaten trails, watches hockey games, and wishes she didn’t detest cooking so much.

Dahlia is her middle name. Her last name is more suitable for a horror writer.