miercuri, 30 septembrie 2015

Cover Reveal






Bellissimo Lotta
Author: Leigh Ann Lunsford
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 23, 2015
The idea of forever terrifies Bianca Agosto. Abhorring love; she is surrounded by it on a daily basis. The Mob Princess is doted on, adored by all, and loved by one. Struggling with her feelings against love, she falls. Hard. 

Dakota Hyatt, the boy who was untainted by the life in which Bianca grew up, and her brother’s best friend. His own tragedy in life makes him hold on to the things that matter. He may not understand what the life means for Bianca, but he makes sure to be her safe haven, her soft landing, the one place she can truly be herself. 

Succumbing to love isn’t easy but proves to be worth every struggle; but one lie, one mistake, one indiscretion destroys it all. The boy who seemed so untouched by the life might not be as removed as they all once believed. 

Kristen Karwan

Leigh Ann Lunsford is a stay at home mom turned author. She writes Romance/New Adult and loves her happily ever after in all books and movies. She lives with her husband, son, and four dogs in Fleming Island, Florida. When she isn’t writing or reading you can find her stuck in front of really bad reality shows or watching Sons of Anarchy. Leigh Ann has a filthy mouth and a huge amount of sarcasm that knows no end. She hopes to give the voices in her head an outlet with many more novels to come.

Connect with Leigh Ann Lunsford:

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Recomandarea zilei

La început n-au fost cerul și pământul. La început au fost Dora și Luna.
Aprilie, 2011: Dora – care are 18 ani, cântă într-o trupă rock și se pregătește de bac –o întâlnește într-o noapte pe carismatica și misterioasa Luna. Alter ego, iubită, idol, sau toate la un loc? Povestea lor de dragoste se împarte între aventuri extreme și dorința de a-i face pe cei din jur să le accepte relația, totul sub amenințarea unei profeții vechi de peste zece ani, care s-ar putea adeveri sau nu. O familie cu multe secrete, toate întunecate, și o provocare: Dora va trebui să o iubească pe Luna împotriva tuturor.
August, 2014: O surpriză romantică pentru Luna ia o întorsătură neașteptată și Dora va observa cum lumea pe care o știe, în mijlocul căreia se află iubirea ei, se surpă definitiv.
La început n-au fost cuvântul, Dumnezeu sau întinderea nesfârșită de ape. La început au fost Dora și Luna.
Și totul a pornit de acolo.
Păpușile – o poveste despre iubire și moarte. Despre toate lucrurile care contează.

marți, 29 septembrie 2015

Recomandarea zilei

Copacul diavolului, mărul otrăvit?
Cu douăzeci de ani în urmă, toţi răufăcătorii au fost alungaţi din regatul Auradonului, pe Insula Celor Pierduţi, un loc întunecat şi înfricoşător, de unde nimeni nu mai poate pleca. Lipsiţi de puterile lor magice, ticăloşii trăiesc acum complet izolaţi şi uitaţi de lume.
Dar în Fortăreaţa Interzisă stă ascuns Ochiul Dragonului: cheia spre adevăratul întuneric şi singura speranţă de scăpare a ticăloșilor. Doar cel mai isteț, cel mai rău şi cel mai viclean dintre tâlhari îl va putea găsi. Oare cine va fi acela?

Epic Reads Explains | The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness | Bo...

Book Nerd Problems | Needing to Own Hardcovers But Read Paperbacks

Cover Reveal

luni, 28 septembrie 2015

Litera lansează primul volum al autobiografiei Lupta mea, de Karl Ove Knausgård

Odată cu volumul Moartea unui tată, Editura Litera aduce și în România celebra serie autobiografică Lupta mea, scrisă de Karl Ove Knausgård și distinsă cu Premiul Criticilor Norvegieni. Cele șase volume ale seriei au produs o impresie puternică în întreaga lume, plasându-l pe Knausgård printre marile nume ale literaturii nordice. Revista Time l-a numit „Proust al Norvegiei". Titlul autobiografiei, identic cu cel al manifestului lui Adolf Hitler, cât și stilul narativ frust și detaliile lipsite de menajamente față de sine și de cei apropiați, au creat numeroase controverse și garantează o lectură pasionantă.

În primul volum al seriei, Moartea unui tată, Karl Ove Knausgård, devenit părinte, se regăsește în fața propriului eu, un puști sensibil, care crește în umbra unui frate sociabil, a unei mame adesea absente și a unui tată cu accese de mânie imprevizibile. Maturizarea lentă a sentimentelor, flirturile neliniștite, pasiunea pentru rock compun cu o onestitate dureroasă romanul unui adolescent hipersensibil. O călătorie afectivă de o fidelitate absolută, o explorare proustiană a propriului trecut, o poveste deopotrivă intimă și universală, care pune problema capacității literaturii de a descrie viața, doar viața, în toate aspectele ei.

„Knausgård a rupt barierele romanului autobiografic.“ Jeffrey Eugenides 

„...extrem de sincer, Knausgård... vrea să ne introducă în cotidianul vieții, care este uneori vizionar, alteori banal, alteori profund semnificativ, dar, prin forța lucrurilor, absolut obișnuit, pentru că ni se întâmplă pe tot parcursul vieții și tuturor...” The New Yorker

„O reușită rară. Nici un scriitor din generația sa nu egalează combinația lui Karl Ove Knausgård de talent, stil, spirit de observație și originalitate...Dagens Næringsliv

„Dur și plin de forță precum granitul. Mai real decât realitatea.” La Repubblica

Moartea unui tată, primul volum al seriei Lupta mea de Karl Ove Knausgård, este disponibil pe litera.ro și în librării.

Cover Reveal

NOT FORGOTTEN by Camille Taylor
Series: Harbour Bay #1
Genre: Romantic Element | Suspense
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Detective Matt Murphy is assigned the case no one else wants.

The Butcher is a ghost, killing all over Australia for years, and now he's made the coastal city of Harbour Bay his hunting ground. Up against a brick wall, Matt has no choice but to contact the only surviving witness-seventeen-year-old Hallie Walker. But Hallie has been in a psychological rehabilitation centre since the double murder five years ago, and Matt needs help.

Gifted psychologist Natalie Miller sees a lot of herself in Hallie and vows to help her heal.

Natalie is no stranger to a violent past, and is usually wary of men. She is stunned by her response to the hot detective, and becomes determined to not only see Hallie released-as she believes the girl has been misdiagnosed-but to help Matt solve this unsolvable case.

Matt and Natalie face danger at every turn, but can't fight the powerful attraction between them.

Natalie thinks her only problem is a deranged ex-boyfriend, but is it possible she's attracted the attention of The Butcher? When the serial killer strikes again, they know he's close, and Matt is frantic to catch him...because now he has more than ever to lose.

Matt races against time to stop the bloody rampage, and Natalie might hold the key to breaking the case. But will they survive with their lives and hearts intact...

And can they save Hallie from the prison of her own mind?


August 6th, 2005
The tyres skidded against the cold bitumen of the deserted old highway as Hallie Walker’s father braked for the lone man who appeared out of the heavy fog dead ahead. The car protested, the tyres squealing and buckling beneath them from the strain. Hallie screamed as the sharp smell of burnt rubber wafted up to fill her nostrils.

The car jerked as her father lost control. The car spun and her heart thudded in her chest. The sudden impact as the Ford Fairlane hit the thick, dense tree truck sent her twelve-year-old body tumbling into the foot-well between the front and back seats with a thud. She’d stupidly released the seatbelt to find a more comfortable position in an effort to fall asleep, the trip long and tedious and now regretted the decision. She lay frozen on the floor for a moment, stunned before sitting up, slowly registering the minor aches and pains that would later leave bruises. Smoke escaped from beneath the hood and a sizzling sound reverberated through the semi-silent night, the only other sound other than their harsh breathing was Slim Dusty played lightly on the stereo.

Her breath came in white puffs as the heat from her mouth met the frigid pre-dawn August air which poured into the car through the cracked and splintered windscreen.

Her father’s head lay against the steering wheel and he slowly lifted it, turning towards her mother whose eyes were closed; her head resting against the back of her seat but thankfully otherwise uninjured. He turned his attention to her. “Hallie, baby, are you—”

Her father’s words were cut off as his window shattered and two large hands reached in and pulled him roughly from the car’s interior. She thought she screamed but she couldn’t be sure. Her father struggled against the man who had appeared out of nowhere and threw him roughly to the road. She heard her father grunt. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched in horror as the man stabbed her father repeatedly. Black dots danced in her vision and she swallowed hard, almost passing out at the gory image in front of her.

Her mother scrambled from her seat and started running back the way they’d driven, the sound of her heels on the asphalt echoing in the night. Hallie froze for the second time that night, terrified. She was alone. She wanted to call out to her father but knew it was too late. He lay unmoving on the dark, pockmarked road. Screaming for help would be useless. She hadn’t seen another car for hours.

She trembled. Tears burned her eyes as fear cooled her blood. She had no idea what to do. It didn’t matter, she couldn’t get her limbs to move anyway. She shook as she held the tears in check. Her whole world was disappearing before her eyes. The man raised his head and started after her mother, his long legs eating up the distance between them; his footsteps thundering against the road.

The man reached out and grabbed her mother’s blonde hair, jerking her back into his chest. She screamed, the sound piercing Hallie’s eardrums as her mother kicked and struggled against him.

Hallie ducked back into her hiding place in the foot-well as the man dragged her mother back toward her. She chewed on her nails, a horrible habit and her fingers bled when she bit past the quick. Hallie’s gaze found the man’s face and remained there. As hard as she tried, she could not look away. As he moved closer, the moon’s bright rays bounced off his long, dark, greasy hair, illuminating him in the night almost like a spotlight, highlighting his features. The man’s lower face was covered with several days’ worth of growth. His heartless brown eyes glowed almost demonically in the light and she felt her bladder release, filling the car with the scent of ammonia.

Her mind ran riot with thoughts. Why was he doing this? She wondered and she thought of several scenarios. None ended favourably. She felt the first stages of a panic attack and tried to calm herself, taking long, deep breaths even as she cowered back into the small space as the man’s shadow cast over her.

From the short distance dividing them, Hallie could see the well-worn jeans encasing strong well-developed legs. The jeans themselves were threadbare. The left back pocket dangled down, held on only by a few measly threads. Tears fell unabashedly down her cheeks. Her nose ran and she watched everything through misty eyes.

She was a coward, useless and scared. The man had just killed her father and was now about to send her mother to the same fate. But still her body felt heavy, unable to move except to push herself further in to the floor. A sob escaped her mouth and she quickly stuffed her fist in the gaping hole to muffle any further sounds. Her teeth bit into her hand, her mind numb against the horrors she had already witnessed this night. She shivered, the warm air from the heater long since evaporated and replaced with the icy breeze outside. She curled up into a ball as much as the car would allow.

Hallie heard her mother’s pleading voice as she was shoved none too gently onto her recently vacated seat. Hallie knew she would never forget the pungent scent of the man for as long as she lived. A combination of blood and bad hygiene and a thought kept repeating itself inside her head.

We’re going to die.

Her mother made a sound of despair and Hallie’s gaze shot back to her mother and their eyes met and held. She watched helplessly as the man brought his knife up to her mother’s throat and pressed it deeply into the soft delicate flesh of her neck. Blood spilled from her body, flowing onto the seat and ruining the careful detail of the vehicle.

A scream, muffled around her fist, escaped Hallie’s throat as she watched her mother’s body go limp and lifeless. The man looked straight into her eyes and once again she felt frozen, as if the ice in his veins jumped from his eyes into her. She shivered uncontrollably.

Hallie had the car door open and was racing towards the tree line before the man could react. Her tiny frame and short stature allowed her to blend into the woods as she sprinted for her life. Her vision blurred black as she ran faster, the darkness swelling around her. She could only just make out where there were gaps in the thick trees and bushes. The fog hindering her even more as she made her way further into the dense growth.

Her heart jumped to her throat and she was having trouble breathing. Her feet landed heavily on the ground and every so often she heard a twig snap under the pressure of her weight. She could hear the man behind her covering twice as much ground with his much longer and stronger legs. She strained to hear his breathing and desperately wanted to know if he was winded in hopes he would give up the chase. She didn’t dare look back for fear of tripping. She was already having trouble with that, her focus on the ground.

Hallie knew he was closing in fast behind her. She pushed herself to go faster even though she was exhausted and her body was ready to collapse. Her nose twitched as her feet kicked up the undergrowth. The scent of mouldy leaves and damp soil assaulting her senses. The sound of heavy stomping behind her terrified her but she didn’t allow it to immobilise her. Her brain had long ago kicked into survival mode and didn’t let her dwell on anything but getting to safety.

Hallie had no illusions. She knew if the man behind her caught up with her, he would kill her just like he had done to her mother and father. She breathed in through her nose and out her mouth just as she had been taught. Her whole body ached with fatigue and fear and she wanted so much to curl up and cry in despair. She whimpered uncontrollably knowing she was almost beaten.

She pressed her right arm against her side as a stitch made her uncomfortable. She pushed on. She had to keep going. Hopefully soon she would be out of the woods and into a clearing. Maybe then she could find a busy road or a house. She was well within the forest now. In every direction stood more trees and even more bushes, both furry and prickly.

Hallie heard the sound of tearing right before she was jerked back. She panicked, striking out trying to hit her target. It took her a few full seconds to realise she was still alone and that she was caught on a branch sticking out of an old flaky tree. She yanked at her winter jacket vigorously, the fabric well entwined with the branch. Desperate, she quickly unzipped the garment, shivering as the cool air hit her bare arms but soon she completely forgot about the cold.

Little mewing sounds came from her throat as she imagined she could feel her pursuer’s horrid breath on her neck, his hands on her pulling him to her, the feel of his knife against her own throat. Distracted she tripped over a group of raised roots and scratched her face on the bark of the closest tree as she tried to steady herself.

Hallie headed straight, the trees not so dense up ahead to what she considered north. Her legs gave way as she came across a small dip in the ground and her body landed heavily with a thud on the leaf-covered floor. Without sparing a moment to wallow in self-pity she climbed to her feet, feeling her ankle buckle beneath her before crashing once more to the ground. She bit her bottom lip to stop from crying out and alerting the man to her location and started crawling, her pants soaking up the damp ground. She barely made it a metre before she felt the ground beneath her give way to a sharp decline.

Hallie’s hand flayed about in mid-air for a moment right before her body slipped and she tumbled down into the river resting at the base of the decline. Her head went under the water and she struggled not to breathe. She kicked her feet and tried to swim as she resurfaced. Her waterlogged clothes tugged at her, determined to send her to a watery grave. The current proved to be too strong and pulled her light weight away from the edge and into the whirling centre before she was once more dragged under, down into the murky depths.

Camille Taylor is an Australian author who resides in the Nation's Capital with her small dog. She was the typical 90's kid and was raised on Goosebumps, Roald Dahl and Paul Jennings. In her teens she began reading the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie and in later years found Christine Feehan, Janet Evanovich and Julie Garwood.

She started writing at sixteen and enjoys spending time with her family, doting on her nieces and nephews, writing the many stories floating about her head and working on her genealogy where she can trace her heritage to England, Scotland, Ireland and Russia.

Her other interests include, anything creative - such as scrapbooking and drawing and has travelled across Western Europe, New Zealand and the UAE, after spending a year living in London. She's also dabbled in tae kwon do.

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sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2015

Release Blitz

The Surrender series is a fast-paced romantic thriller that will keep you turning the pages until you finish the last story. The story starts in Italy, picks up in New York City, and ends in San Diego. See for yourself what people are talking about.

****Try the first book in the series for free today!****

Katherine Anderson was living a dream life. She came from an influential family, had a successful career as a food critic, and was about to marry the man of her dreams. Her life suddenly takes a change for the worse when she finds her fiancé in the arms of another woman. Her dream wedding now cancelled, she tries to find herself in Italy, on a trip she was supposed to be taking with her new husband. 

Massimo "Tony" Bertalucci has had his life destroyed by a cartel known to be trafficking black market olive oil out of Italy and around the world. While the cartel thought the entire Bertalucci family was dead and buried, Tony remains very much alive and determined to find a way to get his life back.

When Tony and Katherine’s worlds collide, she becomes Tony’s only hope of escaping Italy alive. What Katherine doesn’t realize is that this charming, unassuming Italian man is using her to save his own life. Will she be able to get back to the states safely, or will she be subjected to the same fate as Tony's family? Will Tony find a way to stop running? Or will he have to surrender his life to the cartel?

***Other books in the series***

Enter the Rafflecopter to win and autographed copy of the trilogy:

joi, 24 septembrie 2015

Recenzie Fascinatia (Crossfire vol.4) de Sylvia Day

Patimă... Vrajă... Fascinaţie... O relaţie care atinge noi culmi şi abisuri cu fiecare zi.

"Gideon mă numește Îngerașul lui, însă el este cel care reprezintă un miracol pentru viața mea. El este războinicul meu minunat și rănit, atât de hotărât să se lupte cu demonii mei, în vreme ce refuză să și-i înfrunte pe ai lui. Jurămintele pe care le-am schimbat ar fi trebuit să fie legătura care să ne apropie tot mai mult, dar în schimb au deschis răni vechi, au expus dureri și incertitudini adânc îngropate și au atras dușmani aprigi care pândeau din umbră. Am început să simt cum se îndepărtează de mine, și astfel cea mai mare teamă a mea se transformă în realitate; acum dragostea îmi este pusă la încercare în feluri pe care nu sunt sigură că am suficientă putere să le îndur. Când credeam că trăim cele mai luminoase momente ale vieții noastre, întunericul din trecutul lui a început să înconjoare și să amenințe tot ceea ce am construit cu atâta efort. Iar acum, în fața noastră se află o alegere teribil de dificilă: să ne refugiem în siguranța familiară a vieților pe care le avea fiecare înainte sau să luptăm pentru un viitor care brusc a început să pară un vis imposibil și lipsit de speranț."

Seria CROSSFIRE a fost publicată până în prezent în 40 de țări, devenind unul dintre cele mai mari succese comerciale din lume. Peste 16 milioane de exemplare vândute la nivel mondial!

„Cel de-al patrulea volum atât de mult așteptat din populara serie Crossfire aduce aproape prea mult dramatism, dar echilibrează balanța prin dozele generoase de romantism dintre Gideon și Eva. Day a construit cu măiestrie o lume cu personaje iubite de cititori, iar fanii vor fi deosebit de încântați să afle mai multe și despre Cary, Ireland, Mark, Megumi în acest volum.”        (RT Book Reviews)

Fascinația îl captivează pe cititor încă de la primul rând și până la finalul plin de neprevăzut. Așa cum era de așteptat de la un roman Crossfire, suntem martorii iubirii pasionale și captivante dintre Gideon Cross și Eva Tramell în vreme ce se confruntă cu fantomele trecutului și totodată se luptă pentru viitorul fericit la care amândoi visează și pe care în s fârșit își dau seama că îl merită.”        (The Polished Book Worm)

My opinion:

Eram asa de curioasa cum v-a continua seria asta. Adica, pentru mine volum trei a fost cel mai imbecil din serie. Prea mult sex, si fara noima. Imi doream ca autoare sa termine seria in trei volume. Nu zic ca nu prea imi plac seriile, insa imi plac seriile inteligente, care au fost construite inca de la inceputul povestii. Si nu cele care simt ca sunt trase de coada numai pentru ca vrei sa iti ocupi timpul sau pentru bani.
Iar de seria asta nu stiu ce sa cred. Autoarea crede ca are nevoie de mai multe volume pentru a ne spune povestea celor doi. Well, prove it!

Volumul patru a fost putin mai bunicel decat al treilea volum. Si parca mi-a citit gandurile sau mi-a citit recenzia volumului trei, pentru ca in acest ne cam lipsim de scenele de sex. Si nu sunt suparata pentru asta, pentru ca ce e prea mult e prea mult, insa deja era putin penibil. Ca si cum ar fi incercat sa evite un subiect. Era prea evident si batator la ochi. Insa, per total, la capitolul acesta nu prea ma plang. E cartea autoareai si decizia ei cum o scrie.

Cat despre scrisul autoareai… Muhhh… In continuare imi place, insa nu asa de mult ca si in prima carte. Pentru mine primul volum a fost perefctiune pe toate planurile. In acest volum a exista „gauri negre”, ca sa le zic asa, in scrisul autoarei. Replici prea siropoase si cliseeice si pentru un romantic innascut.
Actiunea nu prea m-a atras, dar lucrul bun nici nu m-a facut sa arunc cartea de la etajul patru. A fost bunicica, si cred ca sfarsitul a fost cel care m-a trezit la viata. Mi-ar fi placut daca sfarsitul era inceputul. Ohooo, chiar mi-ar fi placut sa vad cum ar fi decurs lucrurile atunci. Insa, cred ca in modul in care s-a incheiat, volumul cinci o sa fie unul foarte interesant.

„As fi dat foc intregului univers numai ca sa-i croiesc ei carari, daca ar fi fost nevoie.”

Eva, personajul meu ideal si femeia fatala, simtul umorului nu prea ti-a fost exploatat in acest volum. Dar nu ma plang. Ma bucur ca in sfarsit te pui tu pe primul loc si iti dai seama ca o schimbare nu se produce in omul iubit pana nu il trezesti la realitate, aratandu-i ce se poate intampla daca nu mai esti acolo sa fii colacul lui de salvare, ci sa fii proriul tau colac de salvare. That’s my girl!

Iar Gideon… Intr-un final trebuia sa se petreaca o schimbare in el. Sa vedem ca si el evolueaza si incearca sa traiasca viata de cuplu pe care el si-a dorit-o cu atata ardoare. La fel ca si Eva, cred ca singura solutie pentru a-ti rezolva probleme este de a vorbi despre ele.

Pot sa spun ca acest volum a fost unul a schimbarilor si unul al evoluarii a relatiei celor doi. Si ar fi pacat ca seria asta sa decada atat de jos, pentru ca, pentru majoritatea dintre noi, personajele acestea reprezinta mult mai mult decat unule fictive puse doar acolo pe o coala de hartie pentru a nu fi goala.
Pentru cei care ati ajuns cu seria pana la volum trei si va ganditi sa renuntati, eu zic sa nu o faceti. Volum patru nu e minunat, dar e mai bun. Merita sa aflati calatoria celor doi si felul cum se va incheia in cele din urma. Pentru ca, da , ne face sa visam la un barbat perfect, insa ne face sa na dam seama ce se poate intampla daca ne complace si sa intelegem ca noi insine suntem pe primul loc. Si mai ales, sa multumim celor de la Litera ca ne-au dat posibilitatea sa citim volum asa de repede. You ROCK!

Cartea are 480 de pagini si o puteti comanda de pe site-ulEditurii Litera.

marți, 22 septembrie 2015

Cover Reveal


TOUCH ME NOT by Apryl Baker
Series: Manwhore Series, Book #1
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Genre: New Adult Romance
✰ ✰ SYNOPSIS ✰ ✰
A past tragedy has left Lily Holmes burdened with a devastating secret…

Since the death of her twin sister, Lily can’t bear to be touched. Not accidentally, not casually…and certainly not intimately. This makes it impossible for her to confess to her best friend Adam Roberts that she’s in love with him. She can’t give him the sort of relationship he needs, so she watches in silence while he plans his wedding with someone else.

Enter Nikoli Kinkaid, the campus manwhore…

Nikoli is a self-proclaimed connoisseur of women, and he wants to add Lily to his list of conquests, but she wants nothing to do with him—until he makes her an offer she can’t refuse. He’ll teach her to enjoy human contact again, giving her a chance to win over Adam, while Nikoli uses all his considerable charm to seduce her.

But Lily raises the stakes…

Lily loves cars. Her late father was a racer, and she grew up under the hood of a car and on the racetrack. Nikoli has a limited edition 1970 Plymouth Barracuda she covets, so she informs him the terms of their deal also require he not sleep with anyone for six months. If he does, she’ll win the car. If she surrenders and ends up in his bed, his beloved ’Cuda is his to keep.

In an intricate dance of control and surrender, a reluctant friendship becomes something more. Lily begins to crave things she never believed she could, and Nikoli realizes there is more at stake than his reputation. 

If Lily overcomes her phobia, will she crave Adam’s touch as she’s starting to crave Nikoli’s? 
Or will she only find pleasure from the touch of a semi-reformed manwhore?


So who am I? Well, I’m the crazy girl with an imagination that never shuts up. I LOVE scary movies. My friends laugh at me when I scare myself watching them and tell me to stop watching them, but who doesn’t love to get scared? I grew up in a small town nestled in the southern mountains of West Virginia where I spent days roaming around in the woods, climbing trees, and causing general mayhem. Nights I would stay up reading Nancy Drew by flashlight under the covers until my parents yelled at me to go to sleep.

Growing up in a small town, I learned a lot of values and morals, I also learned parents have spies everywhere and there’s always someone to tell your mama you were seen kissing a particular boy on a particular day just a little too long. So when you get grounded, what is there left to do? Read! My Aunt Jo gave me my first real romance novel. It was a romance titled “Lord Margrave’s Deception.” I remember it fondly. But I also learned I had a deep and abiding love of mysteries and anything paranormal. As I grew up, I started to write just that and would entertain my friends with stories featuring them as main characters.

Now, I live Huntersville, NC where I entertain my niece and nephew and watch the cats get teased by the birds and laugh myself silly when they swoop down and then dive back up just out of reach. The cats start yelling something fierce…lol.

I love books, I love writing books, and I love entertaining people with my silly stories.

Blog Tour

luni, 21 septembrie 2015

Recenzie Quasar de Ana Manescu

„Ana Mănescu este o scriitoare tulburător de generoasăea nu împărtășește cu cititorii doar ceea ce este la suprafață, explicit, nedureros, blând; îi plac subteranele, ascunzișurile, visele uitate, amenințările mute, teama ființei de ea însăși, întunericul care are nevoie doar de o scânteie pentru a se preschimba în lumină orbitoare. Și ni le oferă pe toate, cu sinceritate și o delicatețe care nu se mai regăsește în nicio altă carte pe care ai putea-o citi vreodată. Quasarul poate construi o lume și o poate exploda într-o bătaie de aripi. Pentru că totul și nimicul înseamnă altceva numai după ce au fost atinse de iubire.
Ana scrie despre acele clipe în care ești cel mai adevărat tu care a existat vreodată. Și ești cel mai mult tu când ești prins în iubire, ca într-o capcană de soare.”
My opinion:
Si incepe sa imi placa din ce in ce mai mult Editura Herg Benet. Chiar imi pare rau ca nu m-am apucat mai repede de cartile astea minuate. Editura Herg Benet promoveaza tot ce are mai bun Romania in materie de scriitori romani. Asa ca jos palaria. Toat alumea ar trebui sa aprecieze asa ceva. Mai avem si noi putin valoare cu care se poate mandri grosul Romaniei.

Ana Manescu a fost urmatoarea pe lista. Of, doamne… Femeia asta. Parca scrisul ei si gandurile pe care le-a pus in aceasta carte sunt o mica bucatita rupta din Rai pe care l-a valorificat intr-un Rai intreg.
Ce ma derutat la inceput a fost faptul ca nu prea intelegeam despre ce este vorba. Nu am citit descrierea si credeam ca o sa am parte de o poveste cap coada. Dar nu. Sunt niste mini povesti si tot odata nu. Au tendinta de a se inchega in povesti, dar merg mult mai departe si tind sa ajunga sper un jurnal. Asa ceva nu cred sa mai fi citit vreodata. Iar eu cum ador unicul, si mai ales venind din partea unei scriitoare romance… Perfection!

Nu stiu ce as putea zice mai mult, ca sa va conving sa cititi si sa devorati cartea. Nu e nici lunga da nici scurta. E numai buna! :) Merita sa aflati ganduri pline de pasiuni, metafore si cuvinta perfecte si frumoase ale Anei Manescu! So go and READ IT!

Cartea are 141 de pagini, coperta paperback si o puteti comanda de pe site-ul Editurii Herg Benet.

Favorite quotes:

„ As vrea sa scriu despre noi, dar suntem fericiti.”

„Daca alegi sa traiesti, atunci alege sa si mori.”

„Te iubesc mereu, nu doar cand suntem fericiti. Si mi-e dor de tine si cand esti langa mine. Nu stiu cum te poti abtine sa nu te gandesti mereu la mine, pentru ca eu m-am apucat sa tin jurnale ca sa nu-ti scriu tie. Vreau sa vezi si tu cum e sa te trezesti noaptea din ora in ora, nervos fiindca m-ai tot visat si pentru ca niciodata nu ramanem impreuna. Mi-as dori sa fii si tu maniac, gelos, posesiv, obositor si foarte, foarte obosit.”

„Voi cauta scuze ca sa te vad cand nu ai chef si ca sa te evit cand ma cauti. O sa cunosti cel putin trei versiuni al mele. Si iti vei da seama ca niciuna nu te minte.”

„Unii oameni sunt magneti. Sunt gauri negre care incep cu o stea si ajung sa inghita galaxii intregi.”

„Tu nu stii ca oasele au ingalbenit deja si nimeni nu a mai gasit drumul spre casa ci doar noroiul pe unde dragostea zacea imprastiata.”

„Cand incepe, iubirea inseamna totul. Cand se termina, totul inseamna altceva.”

Blog Tour

marți, 15 septembrie 2015

Cover Reveal






SCATTERED ASHES by Annie Anderson
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: OCTOBER 27, 2015!
Aurelia Constantine is having a rough century. 
Plagued by visions of murder, death and destruction, she has resigned herself to the nightmare her life has become. When an enemy from her past comes to her rescue, she must let go of old wounds and heal the breach so she may survive the evil poisoning her mind. 

Rhys Stevens is guilty. 
Murder. Betrayal. Treason. Take your pick; he’s guilty of them all. On the path of redemption, he must beg for forgiveness from the one person he fought to save - the woman he has always loved. 

Thrown together in the trenches of war, they must work as a team to stop a monstrous puppet master from pulling their strings.

Ashes, ashes. We all fall down.
Get ready to burn.



Annie Anderson is originally from Dallas, Texas but has lived in England, Las Vegas (because Las Vegas and the state of Nevada are two very different places), New Mexico, Illinois, Florida and Georgia. As soon as the military stops moving her family around, she’ll settle on a state, but for now she enjoys being a nomad with her husband, two kids, and an old man of a dog. 


This tour is brought to you by:

Allegiant‬ Teaser

On March 18, discover what lies beyond the wall. Watch the TEASER TRAILER for The Divergent Series: #Allegiant now!

Posted by Divergent Series on Tuesday, September 15, 2015

In curand si la noi!

sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 2015

Recomandare zilei

„Ana Mănescu este o scriitoare tulburător de generoasăea nu împărtășește cu cititorii doar ceea ce este la suprafață, explicit, nedureros, blând; îi plac subteranele, ascunzișurile, visele uitate, amenințările mute, teama ființei de ea însăși, întunericul care are nevoie doar de o scânteie pentru a se preschimba în lumină orbitoare. Și ni le oferă pe toate, cu sinceritate și o delicatețe care nu se mai regăsește în nicio altă carte pe care ai putea-o citi vreodată. Quasarul poate construi o lume și o poate exploda într-o bătaie de aripi. Pentru că totul și nimicul înseamnă altceva numai după ce au fost atinse de iubire.
Ana scrie despre acele clipe în care ești cel mai adevărat tu care a existat vreodată. Și ești cel mai mult tu când ești prins în iubire, ca într-o capcană de soare.”

vineri, 11 septembrie 2015

Recomandarea zilei

Patimă. Vrajă. Fascinaţie. O relaţie care atinge noi culmi şi abisuri cu fiecare zi.

Gideon mă numește Îngerașul lui, însă el este cel care reprezintă un miracol pentru viața mea. El este războinicul meu minunat și rănit, atât de hotărât să se lupte cu demonii mei, în vreme ce refuză să și-i înfrunte pe ai lui. Jurămintele pe care le-am schimbat ar fi trebuit să fie legătura care să ne apropie tot mai mult, dar în schimb au deschis răni vechi, au expus dureri și incertitudini adânc îngropate și au atras dușmani aprigi care pândeau din umbră. Am început să simt cum se îndepărtează de mine, și astfel cea mai mare teamă a mea se transformă în realitate; acum dragostea îmi este pusă la încercare în feluri pe care nu sunt sigură că am suficientă putere să le îndur. Când credeam că trăim cele mai luminoase momente ale vieții noastre, întunericul din trecutul lui a început să înconjoare și să amenințe tot ceea ce am construit cu atâta efort. Iar acum, în fața noastră se află o alegere teribil de dificilă: să ne refugiem în siguranța familiară a vieților pe care le avea fiecare înainte sau să luptăm pentru un viitor care brusc a început să pară un vis imposibil și lipsit de speranță.